

时间:2021-08-14 16:02:08 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是®文档大全网整理的愉快的重阳节英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。


  Time flies and time flies. Today is the annual Double Ninth Festival. It is a festival for the Chinese nation to respect and respect the elderly. Everyone will grow old one day, and the young people in their prime will eventually become old people over half a hundred years old.

  However, there is a group of old people who need our attention more. After many vicissitudes, what they need is no longer material pursuit, but spiritual sympathy of our generation. On this special day, the school organized us to go to the nursing home to comfort the elderly. Therefore, I got up early in the morning and bought many Chongyang cakes in the street. I think the elderly must like to eat. Before nine o'clock, we arrived at the nursing home. The environment was very good. The old people were basking in the sun in the corridor. When they saw us, they were surprised and then showed a kind smile.

  "Good grandpa and grandma!" The students said in unison“ The old people kept nodding and agreeing, and the smile on their faces became brighter. A grandmother came and took my hand. I saw her moving eyes red. "Child, today is Double Ninth Festival. Although the elderly in our nursing home are all alone, we feel warm with your care. Thank you." Although there were not many gorgeous words and many thanks, I realized that grandma's excitement was beyond words. The students sat around with the old man, talking and laughing, and listened to the old people happily tell the stories of their age. Although they were not rich or even experienced in that age, they could not hear any sadness in their words. Everyone smiled and blossomed, and a lord even showed his voice and sang red songs.

  After a good meal in the afternoon, we took the old people to the garden to enjoy chrysanthemums. The fragrance of flowers is charming. They miss their relatives more or less during the festival. The old people miss their families and children. But our 'warmth and love are always enough to wash away their inner loneliness and loneliness. When we leave the nursing home, we take pictures with the old people, and the smile is still so kind.

  Respecting the elderly is a Chinese cultural tradition. In today's prosperous day, the middle-aged generation are increasingly busy with their work and have no time to take care of the elderly around them. As young people in the new era, we have the obligation to undertake this social responsibility and continue to carry forward this enduring traditional virtue!

  This is the realm of love. Love is in Chongyang. Stretch out your hands and warm you and me.


  Respect, respect and love the old. Now people pay more and more attention to this Chinese festival for the elderly, because the Double Ninth Festival is not only a simple way to travel and enjoy the scenery, climb up and look into the distance, watch chrysanthemums, insert Cornus, eat Double Ninth cake and drink chrysanthemum wine, but also spread the wind of caring for the elderly all over the country, so that they can respect, respect and love the elderly. However, when we are young, what can we do for the old people around us?

  What I think of, most people will think of: nothing more than beating the back, pushing the waist, or helping the elderly do some housework. In addition to these, grandparents and grandparents will not let us do anything again. Usually, the old people always love us most. If you can't bear to eat something delicious, leave it to us; If you have something good to drink, leave it to us if you don't want to drink it; I have never seen my grandparents often add new clothes to themselves, but wear old clothes for their children; I have never seen my grandparents spend a lot of expensive things, but they always save the rest of the money to buy snacks for us; I haven't seen my grandparents pick me up from school one day. They often have to stand up even if they are ill. They don't let us worry at the school gate.

  Speaking of this, I can't help thinking of some bad scenes. When the weather turns cold in autumn, my grandmother always asks me, "is it cold to wear so little?" Then I would turn my head impatiently and say, "it's not cold." I can't help complaining that grandma Tailong A and her husband are free to fly - they have to eat EMUs! " Often I don't have time to listen to Grandpa finish saying this, so I insert a sentence: "I know, I know!" I feel that listening to a word all day, my ears are about to hear a cocoon.

  I wonder if my performance has hurt your heart. If so, please forgive my granddaughter's unfilial and unreasonable.

  After talking so much, in fact, the final analysis is to understand and respect the elderly. Think of an old man who doesn't want to be valued and respected by his younger generation? Although we can't have too much money and energy to give all the elderly a warm and comfortable home, we can start from the elderly around us and move them with our love bit by bit. Finally, I wish all the elderly in the whole society good health and long life.


  Double Ninth Festival is the ninth day of September every year. It is an important festival in China. It's a special holiday for the elderly. I think: this year's Double Ninth Festival, I want to surprise my grandparents.

  Grandpa gets up early every day, reads newspapers, goes out for a walk and goes home to boil water. Grandma will be later than Grandpa. After getting up, she will make breakfast, read newspapers, and then wake us up.

  This morning, I also got up early. I got up just before dawn. I looked into the room. Hey, great! Grandpa and grandma haven't got up yet! I first ran to the downstairs newspaper box to take out the newspaper, and then went to the grocery store to buy two bottles of milk. Then he turned and went upstairs, put the newspaper on the table in the living room and put the yogurt in the fridge. When I got home, I found that I forgot to boil water. I hurried to boil water. The watch in the living room told me that Grandpa would get up in five minutes. While I was boiling water, I wondered what to make for breakfast? by the way! I can make a simple and nutritious breakfast! I turned around and ran to the refrigerator. I opened the refrigerator. I quickly took out five boxes of Mengniu milk, blueberry jam, strawberry jam and bread slices. Then put the jam on the table, put the milk into five glasses, and then put three pieces of bread on five plates. Put the rest of the bread on the table. I suddenly remembered that I was still boiling water, quickly turned off the fire, poured some water into everyone's cup, and then poured the rest into a thermos to make tea or coffee. Looking at his achievements this morning, he was so excited that he almost laughed.

  At this time, Grandpa woke up. He went out of the room and saw me and said: ah! Granddaughter, why did you get up so early today? I smiled mysteriously and took grandpa to the restaurant. Grandpa understood, praised me and said: my granddaughter is really sensible. Grandpa's laughter woke grandma, dad and mom up. Grandma went out of the room. Grandpa was very excited and said to Grandma: today's breakfast was prepared for us by our granddaughter. After listening, grandma was also very happy and gave me a sweet kiss. Looking at my grandparents who are as happy as children, I am very happy. The whole family was very happy and said that I had grown up and was sensible. My heart is as sweet as honey. The whole family was very happy to eat this delicious breakfast I made myself.

  After breakfast, I also helped grandma comb her hair. I found that grandma's white hair and wrinkles were countless. Grandma smiled and told me: This is a gift of years and a witness of life. I nodded thoughtfully.

  Today, I gave my grandparents a surprise. In the future, I will make this surprise common!

