

时间:2021-08-29 18:04:06 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】九九重阳,九九归一。一朵菊花,一支茱萸,一份真感情,一杯美酒,一句祝福,一段深思念,愿我们的感情越来越深,愿我们的思念越来越浓。重阳节快乐。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The Double Ninth Festival is one of many traditional festivals in China. It is a good time for children and grandchildren to honor their elders. Therefore, it is also called the old man's day. On Sunday evening, I went to grandma's house with my parents and had dinner with grandma. Talk to the old man.

  It was more than six o'clock when I came to grandma's house that night. As soon as I entered the house, I saw grandma still cleaning the house and doing hygiene. I thought grandma was very hard. She was still doing hygiene so late. So I said to grandma, "grandma, you've been busy all day. Let's do it and have a rest." grandma smiled and said, "we're really obedient and sensible. We've really grown up." I hurriedly said, "it should be." I was also very happy, I can do something for grandma.

  We cleaned up the house. After a while, our uncles and aunts arrived, so we went to the restaurant downstairs for dinner. During the dinner, I told grandma several jokes, which made grandma laugh. I seldom saw grandma so happy. After a while, I picked up the cup and wished my grandmother a blessing like the East China Sea and a longer life than Nanshan. My grandmother was more happy and wished me to study hard and make progress every day.

  It's time to say goodbye. We told grandma to take good care of her body and don't be too tired. Grandma was so moved that we often went to accompany her. Finally, I gave grandma a hug. Grandma praised me: "our eldest grandson is still sensible."

  The Double Ninth Festival is a day when each of us should be filial to the elderly. Let each of us take action and offer a blessing to the elderly around us!


  The Double Ninth Festival has passed, but a news related to it is still thought-provoking. On the day of Chongyang, Jiefang Daily conducted a random street survey. The results showed that most of the young people interviewed did not know that the day was the Double Ninth Festival, and some knew the Double Ninth Festival, but did not know the relationship between the Double Ninth Festival and respect for the elderly.

  The dilution of the Double Ninth Festival in the minds of contemporary youth reflects the declining influence of traditional culture on the young generation. Young people can use objective factors such as high learning pressure and fierce job competition to explain their forgetfulness, but another unavoidable fact is that while traditional festivals are forgotten, western festivals have unlimited scenery among many young people. Nowadays, many young people are keen on Western Valentine's day, but they despise the Chinese traditional "Tanabata" day, for example.

  In fact, most Chinese traditional festivals are the accumulation form of traditional culture and the specific reflection form of traditional ethics and values. However, many of us young people don't know why we should climb high and enjoy chrysanthemums on the Double Ninth Festival, and we can't understand the ethical connotation of respecting the elderly. In this survey, 90% of young people knew their parents' birthday, but never thought of sending a blessing to their parents on the Double Ninth Festival. This understanding of the Double Ninth Festival "in name but not in reality" reflects the weakening of traditional ethical and moral concepts among many young people.

  Of course, this weakening needs to be treated dialectically. For the dross of traditional culture, this weakening is undoubtedly beneficial. However, for those excellent things such as "old I am old, and people's old; young I am young, and people's young", "poor without flattery, rich without pride", this weakening should not be. Because it is precisely the ethical norms and values bred in the latter that have become one of the important forces in building modern personality.

  Behind the gradual forgetting of the Double Ninth Festival by some young people, we see the fragility of traditional culture and education. Fortunately, this indifference has attracted the attention of the society. At present, 25 primary and secondary schools in Beijing have included some contents of reciting the four books and five classics in the curriculum. An estimated 1 million children across the country have begun to take reciting ancient poetry as a compulsory course in their daily study.

  I think the important thing is not how many ancient poems the children recite, but to let them know more about the excellent cultural heritage of their motherland and truly become the pillars of "understanding books and reasoning, upholding etiquette and righteousness" in the cultivation of this excellent culture.


  How should we celebrate the annual Double Ninth Festival?

  The Double Ninth Festival is also called the old man's day. When I got home, I saw my grandmother helping us mend our clothes. I thought to say to my grandmother, "grandma has worked hard." but I couldn't say it anymore. I felt very embarrassed.

  At this time, grandma asked me to come over and say to me, "come on, sit here and let me see if I can wear my pants after mending." I finally decided to say this sentence, or I would feel sorry for grandma's kindness to me. I opened my mouth: "grandma, you're working hard!" "it's okay. Grandma doesn't work hard. Just grow up happily!" I was very moved. I didn't expect grandma to think so about us.

  At noon, we ate Double Ninth cake, so I began to wonder about the origin of Double Ninth Festival.

  It is said that in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a plague devil in Ruhe. As soon as he appeared, someone would fall ill and die. A plague took the lives of Hengjing's parents. After that, he went to visit the immortal to learn art. Finally, he heard about a fairy with boundless power. The fairy was moved by his spirit, accepted him as an apprentice Hengjing, forgot to eat and sleep, and finally developed an extraordinary martial art.

  Once, the fairy called him to him and gave him a bag of cornel leaves and a pot of chrysanthemum wine to defeat the plague devil.

  Hengjing returns home and successfully defeats the plague devil according to the immortal's instructions, in which Cornus and chrysanthemum wine are used. So the custom of climbing high to avoid the epidemic on the ninth day of September has been handed down year after year.

  It suddenly dawned on me that the origin of the Double Ninth Festival was so surprising that it made me know it again.

