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【#英语资源# 导语】清明节,又称踏青节、行清节、三月节、祭祖节等,节期在仲春与暮春之交。清明节源自上古时代的祖先信仰与春祭礼俗,兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是自然节气点,也是传统节日。扫墓祭祖与踏青郊游是清明节的两大礼俗主题,这两大传统礼俗主题在中国自古传承,至今不辍。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Although it is very tired to go up the mountain to worship our ancestors during the Qingming Festival, sometimes we will fall a few times, and the mountain road is very difficult to walk, the mood of worshipping our relatives is pious.

  Today, my parents and I went to grandma's grave together. My grandmother was only 50 years old when she died. I was not born at that time. Although the image of my grandmother did not exist, the feeling of missing my grandmother did not decrease, so I cherish this tomb sweeping action more. Parents come to pay a memorial every year to change the words for the tombstone and remove some weeds. But the vitality of grass was so strong that it covered the whole tomb in only one year. It's really "the wild fire can't burn out, and the spring breeze blows again." It seems that the task of mowing the grass is very arduous. I quickly picked up the sickle to weed. I cut it hard, but not only the grass was not cut down, but my fingers were going to be cut off. At this time, my father came to help me. He said, "before cutting the grass, we must hold it tightly, then press it down hard, and then cut it hard with a sickle, so that we can cut it off." Follow my father's way, I can really cut it! With the efforts of my parents and I, the grass was finally cleared away. I also helped my mother sweep the floor and respectfully put flowers on it, making grandma's grave a green and clean garden.

  Qingming Festival as a holiday has both advantages and disadvantages. Although everyone can have time to go to the grave, the traffic up the mountain has become a big problem. On the way back, we blocked the car for an hour. Seeing that the traffic police uncles are tired enough to command, I think there will be a standard for the safety and dredging in the future.

  Today's Tomb Sweeping Day, although very tired, but I am very happy, learned knowledge, with their own work, expressed the memory and respect for their ancestors.


  Although it is very tired to go up the mountain to worship our ancestors during the Qingming Festival, sometimes we will fall a few times, and the mountain road is very difficult to walk, the mood of worshipping our relatives is pious.

  Today, my parents and I went to grandma's grave together. My grandmother was only 50 years old when she died. I was not born at that time. Although the image of my grandmother did not exist, the feeling of missing my grandmother did not decrease, so I cherish this tomb sweeping action more. Parents come to pay a memorial every year to change the words for the tombstone and remove some weeds. But the vitality of grass was so strong that it covered the whole tomb in only one year. It's really "the wild fire can't burn out, and the spring breeze blows again." It seems that the task of mowing the grass is very arduous. I quickly picked up the sickle to weed. I cut it hard, but not only the grass was not cut down, but my fingers were going to be cut off. At this time, my father came to help me. He said, "before cutting the grass, we must hold it tightly, then press it down hard, and then cut it hard with a sickle, so that we can cut it off." Follow my father's way, I can really cut it! With the efforts of my parents and I, the grass was finally cleared away. I also helped my mother sweep the floor and respectfully put flowers on it, making grandma's grave a green and clean garden.

  Qingming Festival as a holiday has both advantages and disadvantages. Although everyone can have time to go to the grave, the traffic up the mountain has become a big problem. On the way back, we blocked the car for an hour. Seeing that the traffic police uncles are tired enough to command, I think there will be a standard for the safety and dredging in the future.

  Today's Tomb Sweeping Day, although very tired, but I am very happy, learned knowledge, with their own work, expressed the memory and respect for their ancestors.


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls". Whenever the Tomb Sweeping Day comes, people's mood becomes sad and sad, missing their dead relatives. Before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day, every family should go to the cemetery of their dead relatives to pay homage to their dead relatives. Our family is no exception. Today, my parents and I went back to my hometown in Xinzhou.

  Come to the cemetery, where the director is full of weeds. Small trees. Although grandpa's grave had been taken off by grandma, Dad carefully cleaned the weeds and small trees on the grave, and then took out incense from the car. Wax. Paper and? Guns and flowers. Then light the candle. Put incense in front of the tombstone and put flowers on the grave. I vaguely saw tears in my father's eyes. I know that this is not happy tears, not excited tears, but missing tears.

  Grandpa has been away from us for twenty years. Listen to grandma, when grandpa died, my father was still in junior high school. I haven't even met Grandpa. Whenever I see other students go home hand in hand with my grandfather, I will show my envy. Twenty years have passed, dear grandpa! Your grandson came to see you! I carefully studied the portrait on Grandpa's tombstone, and there was a smile on his mouth. I kowtowed three heads in front of my grandfather's grave. I hope he can bless my health, learn the best, and bless the peace of our family.

  Beside the tomb, there are many beautiful flowers. Although they are small, they are dazzling. Every flower is so energetic. I thought to myself: little wild flower. Little wild flower, you have worked hard! Only you accompany my grandpa. While burning paper money, Dad sobbed about the past when Grandpa was alive. Looking at the ashes flying to the sky, at that moment, I learned a lot, a lot


  This year's Tomb Sweeping Day, my father took me to my hometown in Ningbo to visit the grave again.

  The tomb of grandparents is on a hillside, about two or three kilometers away from the big aunt's house. Ningbo pays attention to early tomb sweeping. At 5:30 a.m. on the Tomb Sweeping Day, my father dragged me out of my warm quilt and wolfed down a few mouthfuls of breakfast. After that, our group of eight drove to the cemetery.

  Pedestrians were everywhere along the way, some holding wreaths, some carrying hoes, and some carrying sacrifices. My father said that people in my hometown attach great importance to the Tomb Sweeping Day. Without special reasons, people will come from all over the country to visit the tomb. Therefore, there are many pedestrians on the road, sometimes even more than during the Spring Festival.

  After arriving at the cemetery of grandparents, aunts began to place sacrifices and light incense candles; My father and aunts began to clear the weeds around the grave. I was unwilling to be idle. I volunteered to paint the words on the tombstone with a brush with my sister. About half an hour later, the weeds around the grave were cleaned up. We poured several baskets of soil on the top of the grave, inserted new wreaths, burned Ming coins, and each took turns to respectfully worship our grandparents. The grave sweeping was over.

  After sweeping the tombs of my grandparents, I followed my father and uncle and climbed a few kilometers of winding and steep mountain road to sweep the tombs of my father's grandparents, up to my father's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather, a total of five generations.

  Although I was very tired, I was still very happy, because my father told me, "think of the source after drinking water. No matter where a person goes, he can't forget where his roots are!"


  "It rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." Qingming Festival is one of the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar. It is not only a traditional festival in China, but also the most important sacrificial Festival. On this day, people will go to sacrifice their ancestors and visit tombs. Of course, I'm no exception.

  Today, I got up early and went to sweep the graves of my relatives with my grandparents and parents. Today, there is a light rain in the sky, but it can't stop us from sacrificing our ancestors. We have more than 40 people there.

  The sacrificial ceremony began immediately and was presided over by a respected elder. I looked carefully, how so familiar, it turned out to be my classmate Lu Xuannan's grandfather. Grandpa Lu announced the official start of the ceremony, which is roughly divided into ten items. First of all, let's stand aside in chronological order. Then the elders presented offerings, incense and toast. Finally, we bowed together to express our respect and remembrance. What impressed me most was that the third uncle read the sacrifice. The third uncle put on reading glasses and wrote the sacrifice on red paper in his hand. His voice was loud and powerful, telling the virtues and deeds of some ancestors.

  After the sacrificial ceremony, I was filled with emotion. It's really a meaningful Qingming Festival. I must uphold the virtues of my ancestors, do good deeds and be filial.


  Today is April 5, the second day of Tomb Sweeping Day. My family and I went to visit the grave for grandma and grandpa. The weather on this day was a bit gloomy and a bit like rain. It reminded me of the poem "rain in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls".

  When we get to grandma's grave, we burn incense first, and then burn the prepared ghost coins to grandma. May grandma get a lot of money in another world, buy food for herself, buy clothes for herself, buy a car and drive... I hope grandma bless me with a bright future. In fact, these procedures are used for tomb sweeping every year: first, mowing. 2、 Burn incense. 3、 Burn Ming coins and some other things used in the world. 4、 Kowtow. 5、 Set off firecrackers. This is a memorial to the dead relatives.

  When I think about it, I think of my grandmother who had not died when I was young. At that time, grandma loved me very much, although her face was wrinkled and her hair was white. Grandma's kind smile left a deep impression on me since I was a child.

  Since childhood, grandma has been very concerned and loving to me. At that time, grandma lived in a public house. She likes playing mahjong. Generally, she touches 20 cents, and she will almost win the money. When she wins the money, she will buy me delicious food. "Yao Zai! Grandma bought delicious food again!" When I come back, I always rush up and hold it gently. During that time, I was happy every day. And grandma plays with me every day and teaches me to play chess and write. I remember once, my neighbor asked grandma to play mahjong. And I didn't agree. I knocked her on the head with a stick. Remember, I'm so sorry for her! I knocked her on the head, and she didn't blame me. She laughed and reasoned with me. What I regret most is that I hurt the person who loves me most. Now, grandma has gone, and her kind face is still clear in my mind.


  The annual Tomb Sweeping Day came again. My father and I went back to our hometown to visit the tombs of grandparents in Houshan cemetery with my uncles and aunts.

  Houshan cemetery is located in the west of puzha village, an attached town of Leizhou City. We took a tricycle for more than 20 minutes to arrive. Walking into Houshan cemetery is like entering a fairyland. There are lush trees, birds and flowers. In front of rows of neat and clean tombstones, people who came before us have already stood. The altar was filled with offerings and flowers, incense and firecrackers. People stood in awe in front of the tomb and cherished the immortal's relatives.

  We soon found the tombstone of Zugong Zunai, arranged the prepared offerings, put tea and wine, lit incense, and the tomb sweeping ceremony began. First of all, the adults burned the paper money, paper-made TV sets, watches, clothes, radios, etc. one by one to Zugong Zunai. Then, we knelt in front of the tomb and kowtowed to Zugong Zunai. We told Zugong Zunai that we came to see you and brought you gifts and food for your use. Finally, we burned firecrackers, sprinkled tea and wine in front of the tomb, and looked at the amiable photos of Zugong Zunai engraved in the tombstone. We seemed to stand in front of Zugong Zunai, looked at their loving eyes and listened to their teachings to us.

  After the tomb sweeping ceremony, we left Houshan cemetery. Zugong Zunai, every year today, I will come to see you!


  The annual Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. Today, the teacher took us to visit the tomb in Zhishan park. As soon as we got there, nine big characters came into sight, "Cixi revolutionary martyrs memorial hall".

  We went up the stairs and were already out of breath when we reached the martyrs' monument. After a while, the teacher asked everyone to gather. Then Xu Lei and I spoke. We only listened to "flowers sent by the spring breeze, mourning, and deep feelings sent by green pines and emeralds." I followed up, "infinite sorrow and infinite emotion, heroes are sacrificed to heroes in front of their tombs." At that time, I thought of the martyrs standing beside the monument of the revolutionary martyrs, and some of them stood respectfully beside the monument of the revolutionary martyrs. At that time, I thought of the martyrs who died one by one, and they all stood respectfully in front of the monument of the revolutionary martyrs. The following is the representative's speech. What impresses me most is that we should study hard and make progress every day. This is the representative's guarantee to the martyrs. I want to study hard and make progress every day as promised. Next is our oath: let's remember this solemn moment, let's remember this solemn, let's let the martyrs use the blood flag to fly in the blue sky of the motherland forever. Finally, it went down the mountain after a week around the field.

  These revolutionary martyrs are really great in life and glorious in death.


  A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way. Asking where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance. In the season of continuous spring rain, the spring bamboo shoots quietly break through the ground and rise to the top, turn over a huge stone, digest the smile from the previous bloom, and compete for wonders and flowers. The grass grows again, like a green lawn. The big tree has sprouted fresh green buds, which is really a new thing for all things!

  When the tomb sweeping day came, my grandfather and I went to visit the tomb. After walking for a long time, we saw a tomb. The grave was covered with grass. Grandpa said: This is the grave of our ancestors. Start pulling grass! As a grandfather, I pulled the grass up by the roots with my hands, and so did I. the grass was almost pulled out by me and grandpa. At this time, I was pulling out a grass. I fell down. I stood up angrily and pulled the grass up by the roots with my strength. After the fall, I thought of me in my heart. Today, I don't believe I can't pull it up. When I was thinking, the grass was pulled up by grandpa.

  Burn paper money, set off firecrackers, take out the lighter, put the paper on the ground and light it slowly. When the paper is gone, the firecrackers are so noisy.

  Sprinkle wine, a pot of wine in Grandpa's hand, and then his hand tilted slowly and sprinkled it on the ground, but why sprinkle it on the ground? It turns out that we respect our elders!


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession. Pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. I ask where the restaurant is. The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." Whenever I think of this poem by Du Mu, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, I think that it seems that the Qingming Festival is coming, and the pace of Qingming is not far away

  Around 8 o'clock, my mother and grandpa set out from home. On the way, I kept thinking about the past. It seemed that I had never seen grandma's kind appearance, and there were no deeds related to grandma in my mind. What does she look like? Treat me well... A series of questions suddenly came to my mind. I asked my mother, "Mom, have I seen grandma? How about treating me?" Mother reluctantly said: "to tell you the truth, she is kind to you. You made a mistake, and she has been protecting you..."

  After dozens of minutes of car bumps, we finally came to grandma's grave. We cleared the weeds in front of the tomb, dredged the drainage ditch on the side, put offerings, lit incense and candles, and burned the folded paper money into ashes to worship our loved ones, so as to place our thoughts on our dead loved ones. After we finished the etiquette of the Chinese nation, my uncle took out firecrackers and "crackled". The sound was deafening, just like thunder in the sky. I silently made a wish in front of the grave "I hope grandma can bless me to study smart, study and make progress, make my family happy and healthy".

  In the smoky mountains, we walked back on the muddy path. The grave sweepers who help the old and the young on the road, or in groups, or one or two walking alone, are worthy of being a traditional festival of our Chinese hair nationality. It is so meaningful.

