
时间:2023-08-26 22:26:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】盼呀,盼呀!国庆节终于来到了,它是我们伟大的祖国妈妈的生日,我们可一定要欢度这美好的日子。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  The national day I had been looking forward to for a long time came. In the morning, I took the bullet train with my mother to grandma's house, which lives in a beautiful small mountain village in Shihe District, Xinyang City.

  After getting off the train, my mother and I went to 154 hospital to see grandma first. My grandma had gallstones and had just finished the operation. When we got to the hospital, we saw my second uncle accompanying grandma. After staying in the hospital for a while, my mother asked me and my second uncle to go home first and accompany grandma by herself. When I got to my second uncle's house, I took out my homework first. After finishing my homework, I reviewed the textbook again, because the monthly exam was coming soon.

  In the afternoon, my second uncle asked me and my cousin to draw a picture to celebrate the national day. I drew five-star red flag, grass, blue sky and white clouds, sun, birds, flowers and Haibao, the mascot of Shanghai World Expo. I also wrote "Happy Birthday to the motherland!"

  The next day, we went to pick up grandma from the hospital and returned to the small mountain village we had been longing for for for for a long time. My mood was very happy. When I went to grandma's house, I saw persimmons hanging all over the branches like small lanterns, golden rice drying in the yard, neat wooden sticks placed on the roadside, covered with small mushrooms like small umbrellas, and a lovely yellow dog like pommel ball in the yard, showing a scene of bumper harvest and auspiciousness everywhere. Grandpa also took out my favorite chestnut and made my favorite mushroom and fish. It's very delicious!

  In the next few days, Grandpa led me and my cousin to pick mushrooms and persimmons. I also helped grandpa collect rice and played games with children. I had a special time every day.

  The holiday is coming to an end. I reluctantly left my grandmother's house. How happy and unforgettable this year's National Day is!


  On the morning of national day, the sun is shining. Our family, in order to spend this beautiful national day yellow week, we were ready to go to Shanwei. There were many cars on the highway. We drove for a while and then stopped. In this way, we took a seven or eight hour drive to the friendship hotel in Shanwei. When we got there, my father and mother showed us the way and took us to the parking lot of friendship hotel. We took out our luggage and went to the hotel room. There was a double room. As soon as I get in, I put down my luggage and turn on the TV to watch cartoons. After watching the cartoon, I took a bath and went to bed. The beautiful day passed like this.

  The next day, we got up early, went to the ancestral temple, took a few photos and went to the Red Bay. The sand there was very soft. The sea there is very big and boundless. We have great fun playing with water and sand there. After an hour, we went to Shantou.

  A new day has begun. On this day, we have been to Chaozhou from Shantou. There are many places of interest in Chaozhou. We went to Xiangzi bridge and Guangji Bridge building. We spent more than an hour in Guangji Bridge building, where there are many snacks with Chaozhou characteristics. As we walked, we ate snacks. It was very casual. At two o'clock in the afternoon, we set out to return to Wuhua's hometown. Home, I'm back!

  We have had a hurried and fulfilling life these days!


  Today is national day. It is a happy day for the people all over the country. My parents and I gathered around the table, tasting KFC packages with relish and assembling car models. When I assembled and stood up, I suddenly found a long line on the ground. What are they doing? When I looked carefully, I dropped a piece of chicken on the ground. How did so many ants come from? How do they know I dropped chicken? I took the remaining piece of chicken outside and did a small experiment. I put the chicken in an open space, and I squatted next to it to observe.

  After a while, a little ant came. It turned around the chicken and felt that everything was safe. It slowly approached the chicken, but the chicken was too big to move, so it turned around and went back, "isn't this chicken delicious?" I said to myself. I stared at the ant closely, climbed about one meter, and met another little ant. It immediately touched the other's tentacles with its tentacles, as if to say, "come and help me move it together. I found a big chicken."

  After a while, groups and groups of ants ran towards the chicken with neat and powerful steps like soldiers. I finally understood that it had gone to rescue the soldiers. In just a few minutes, the chicken was removed by them.


  Today's National Day is also a small and long holiday I've been looking forward to for a long time, because my mother also has two days' holiday, so she can take me and my grandmother out to play. Before the holiday, my mother and my aunt made an appointment to go to the fourth aunt's yard for barbecue today. In the morning, I still went to the tutorial class on time to do my homework. After noon, we were ready to go.

  We drove to the fourth aunt's house with all kinds of delicious ingredients we bought in the market in advance. Her small yard was planted with all kinds of vegetables, eggplant, pepper, small rape and coriander. Think fourth aunt is really rich.

  When everyone came in for a short rest, they began to prepare their own barbecue things. Grandma cut meat, my aunt prepared all kinds of other ingredients for kebabs, my mother washed vegetables and seafood, and I helped uncle Xiaobao make a fire. It was really the first time to do this. It was very difficult. After lighting the fire, I found that the carbon had not been burning, and it took a lot of effort to ignite a little spark. After a while, my fourth aunt and grandpa came back, He smiled at us. Then he lit the stick while holding a fan to gently incite Mars. After a while, the carbon was ignited. I feel really amazing. I admire my fourth aunt Grandpa. When we lit the fire, all the ingredients were ready, and the barbecue officially began. Uncle Xiaobao showed his skills, including meat kebabs, dried fish, seafood, green vegetables and all kinds of delicious food. Our family ate and talked about all kinds of interesting life, and the happy laughter came out of the small yard of fourth aunt's house!

  Happy National Day is spent in laughter!


  Hope ah, hope ah, the annual National Day is finally expected. "National day, national day, the whole world celebrates." That's a good sentence. There are smiles on people's faces, even the songs of birds are particularly pleasant, and the flowers are particularly bright.

  During this year's national day, Liangxi Forest Park is even more lively. Many students have rushed to Liangxi forest park. Do you know what they are doing? They are going to the dinosaur exhibition.

  As soon as we got to the door, there were two teddy bears welcoming us! There is also a dragon gate made of flower umbrellas, which is like a rainbow over the Boulevard. When you walk in again, you will see a hot-air balloon. It's big and colorful. It's really beautiful! I'm really afraid that this big balloon will "pop" and fly.

  Students, do you remember the big bear, the second bear and the bald head in "bear haunt"? Let me tell you! They're here, too. Are they going to make cartoons here? At this point, everyone is in a hurry. Where's the dinosaur? Why haven't dinosaurs appeared yet? Don't worry, I'll tell you about the protagonist dinosaur now. They have a long necked dragon. Its neck is very long. If it competes with giraffes, who has a long neck will be very interesting. At first glance, it is a herbivore. Besides the long tailed dragon, its tail is several times its body! It also has sharp teeth and blood. It seems that it must be a carnivore. And frost King Dragon, pterosaur and so on... I won't explain them one by one.

  National Day, how happy! Liangxi Forest Park on National Day is really fun!


  The national day I was looking forward to came. My mother said that she would take me to Xiao's mother's house for dumplings on October 4. My mother called me to see if he would go to Xiao's mother's house for dumplings. OK, Xi's mother said yes. They are both my mother's good sisters and best friends. My mother Xiao lives in 375 storehouse. She will soon move to the house in front of our house. My mother and Xi's mother will go to 375 storehouse together, After a while, I arrived at Xiao's mother's house. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Liu Yuxin's sister and Liu Haoyu's brother. Several of our children were helping adults make dumplings. First, we used a kind of stick to knead the dumpling skin, and then put some meat into it. This was the first time I made dumplings with adults. When I made the first dumpling, I was unskilled and ugly. Then, after repeated practice, Finally, the dumplings are wrapped beautifully, which shows that we should have perseverance in doing everything and practice more to succeed. Our study is the same.

  Then, the adults and I wrapped the dumplings together and steamed them in the steamer for 20 minutes. After that, the fresh dumplings came out of the oven. Watching us through our own achievements, we ate delicious food.

  This time I finally learned to make dumplings. This holiday made me really happy.


  October 1st is the mother's 61st birthday. This morning, my mother took me to the city. I saw beautiful flowers at the door of many places, and beautiful flowers at the door of large and small public places in the city. My parents took me to the supermarket again. I saw people coming and going in the supermarket, some of them Some buy meat, some vegetables and some fruits. The waitress's aunt holds a small red flag in her hand and cries out: "the price has been greatly reduced to celebrate the national day." people are shopping happily.

  In the afternoon, my parents took me to Qingdao to see the sea. I saw many people playing on the beach. I walked on the trestle. There were many people, including foreigners, ethnic minorities, the elderly and children, with joy on each face; Look: some play speedboats, some take motorboats, some take ships, some play volleyball on the beach, some take a bath in the sea, and some... At this time, I also made a big tank on the beach. My father went swimming, and my mother watched me and my father. I made another big castle. My father disappeared. He was playing hide and seek with us. After a while, my father stood in front of us and said, "our family has gained a lot today. It's time to go home and catch the train?" I reluctantly left Qingdao and the sea. I wish our motherland, I love our home, and I wish our motherland more and more powerful.

  My parents and I came to have a happy National Day.


  Today is national day, but did I run back? I didn't play with my mother. Originally, I went to repair the computer host with my father. Unexpectedly, they went first, which made me unable to go. However, in this way, I can go back with my father and uncle.

  It was already evening when we went back, because we came home suddenly, and there was no meal report. My brother didn't know yet. He was still cooking there, and the dinner was ready, so we had no food to eat, so we had to cook again!

  After dinner, we went to play the millionaire. My sister bought the millionaire. After playing for a while, I didn't think it was fun. We wanted to be a millionaire. My sister brought two pieces of paper just to be a millionaire, but I can't do the map of the millionaire. I asked my brother to help us make a map. The bad luck card and the opportunity card were made for us. It's already night when we finish the millionaire, so we need to finish it faster.

  It's finally finished. I'm so tired, but at least it's done. We each took a military chess grid. I took the military flag, elder brother took the platoon leader, elder sister took the engineer, and we were enemies of each other in the three.

  Finally, compare who has the most money. I'm fifteen, my sister is nine hundred and my brother is eight hundred. I won.


  In the crisp autumn, we ushered in the birthday of our mother. The sky was red and gorgeous, and everyone's faces showed a smile.

  During the National Day holiday, I went out of my house. Ah! On the Boulevard and in the supermarket, there was everywhere, and everyone's face was filled with joy. I came to the park with a hot noise. In the park, lanterns are hung everywhere. I was attracted by the sound of gongs and drums. Before I left, I saw a group of grannies in red singing and dancing. In the distance, a group of adults are playing cards in a group. If they lose, they have to sing and chant poetry. The children play games and don't forget to throw the garbage into the dustbin. During the national day, adults, children and the elderly celebrate the motherland together!

  In the evening, it was even more lively. Over the Golden Square, it rose into the sky like plum blossoms, one after another; Floating like stars, one after another; Stretch like sorghum leaves, one after another. Some fireworks soar into the sky and bloom immediately; Some fireworks stayed for a long time and refused to leave. Fireworks bloom one after another, and people cheer on the ground. It's really thousands of fireworks in the sky, and the cheers on the ground rush into the sky!

  At night, it's a sea of lights. The lights change colors from time to time. The flying dragon tower is golden. It's really like a pyramid in the desert! Lanterns are hung on the bridge and illuminated by the light. It's really like a colorful long dragon! So that we are too busy to tell whether the room is changing or the color is changing.

  The National Day is jubilant, symbolizing the prosperity and peace of the motherland and the peace of the country and the people! May our motherland prosper and science and technology become more and more developed!


  Today is national day. I got up early. Because there are many guests coming today, I have to finish the task my mother gave me. First, drag the floor so that you can't see a hair and a dust. Then, wipe the table clean. Finally, clean the room neatly. When I finished the work, I was already tired and fainted. Hey, if you want to faint, you have to insist! The guests are coming soon. The guests came and brought a lot of delicious fruits.

  At this time, mother's meal is almost ready,. I ran to the kitchen and had a look. Wow, a lot of delicious food. I'm dazzled. Seeing these delicious food, I really "drool 3000 feet". After a while, my mother brought the dish to the table. The first dish is a specialty of our hometown, called "Kegen vermicelli". It can be used for cold mixing and tastes smooth and delicious. If you eat, you still want to eat. The second dish is "chicken with mushroom". Mushroom is also a specialty of our hometown. You can smell the smell of chicken fried with it thousands of miles away

  After lunch, some of the guests watch TV, some play cards and some chat... Time passes too fast. It will be dark soon. The guests also went home one after another, and the peace of the past was restored at home.

  Although the National Day is very tired, I am also very happy!

