2017年职称英语 考试 报名,2017职称英语综合类阅读精选:HappinessIndex


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Happiness Index幸福指数

1.In terms of happiness, your spouse—if you have one—is worth $100,000 ayear.


2.That's the finding of two economists who have tried to put a monetary value on happiness by measuring the emotional value of everything from religion to racial discrimination in dollars.


3.Such a calculation, admits economist David Blanchflower, is "a little bit off the wall" and may prompt wry comments within some marriages on "cashing in".

3、经济学家大卫*布兰奇弗劳尔承认,这种计算是“有点离奇”,并可能引起不当的想法,认为有些人结婚是为了 “从中捞取好处”。

4.The two economists are, of course, speaking of averages. They have used an annual survey of some 1,500 Americans from 1972 to 1998 to measure self- reported happiness and the factors that go with it. But it turns out that the happiness value of a stable marriage is "incredibly high", says Dr. Blanchflower, a professor at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., whose study has just been published by the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Mass. "Don't give it up lightly."

4、当然,这两位经济学家是就一般人而言的。他们从1972年到1998年每年对大约1500名美国人进行调查,衡量他们自述的幸福和产生幸福的因素。 结果表明,一个稳定的婚姻的幸福值“髙得令人难以置信”,布兰奇弗劳尔博士如是说。布兰奇弗劳尔博士是新罕布什尔州汉诺威市达特默思大学教授, 他的研究成果新近已由马萨诸塞州剑桥市的全国经济研究局发表。他还说:“不要轻易放弃婚姻。”

5.Blanchflower and his partner Andrew Oswald, an economist at Warwick University in Britain, begin with this question: "Taken all together, how would you say things are these days—would you say that you are happy, pretty happy, or not so happy?"

5、布兰奇弗劳尔和他的合作伙伴——英国华威大学的经济学家安德鲁•奥斯瓦尔德,是以这个问题开始他们的调查的:“总的来说,你会怎样描述近况——是快乐、相当快乐,还是不怎么快乐? ”

6.The survey results include detailed characteristics of those surveyed, such as whether they are married, divorced, single, their income level, race, gender, etc. With that data, they found which factors are associated with greater happiness.


7.Extra money does buy some happiness. But not as much as many would suspect. Constructing a sort of happiness index that assigns 3 to "very happy", 2 to "pretty happy", and 1 to "not too happy", the two reckon that an extra dollar provides 0.00000409 in additional happiness. Or $10,000 would give you 0.04 units of extra happiness.

7.额外的金钱的确可以买到某种幸福。但是并不像许多人料想的那么多。他们设计了一种幸福指数:3表示“非常幸福”,2表示“相当幸福”,1表示“不太幸福”。他们俩由此估算出,每额外增加1美元,幸福就会增值 0.00000409。或者说1万美元可以使你的幸福增值0.04个单位。

8.The two economists, using this index, assign a dollar value to other factors associated with more or less happiness.


9.Using that index, a lasting marriage is worth $100,000 per year compared with being widowed or divorced. Being "separated" is the greatest depressant of happiness, followed closely by the death of a spouse.


10.Second and subsequent marriages are less happy than first marriages on average.


2017职称英语综合类阅读精选:Happiness Index.doc
