
时间:2022-09-09 23:36:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】十五的月亮真圆真美!我喜欢十五中秋夜赏月!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The mid autumn festival began in the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907), and it is quite popular for women to admire the moon and worship the moon. In the Song Dynasty, the mid autumn festival became more and more popular and gradually meant reunion. People burned incense to worship the moon, said their wishes, prayed to the God of the moon to ensure safety, and added the activity of "playing with the moon". In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Mid Autumn Festival was more popular. It was popular to send moon cakes, called "walking the moon". There were also activities such as guessing lantern riddles, eating moon cakes, lighting lanterns, playing rabbit master and sacrificing the moon.

  Now, another Mid Autumn Festival is coming.

  Before the night fell, we lay on the windowsill and looked up at the sky, waiting for the moon to appear. The evening glow faded, the night fell, and the moon finally rose. At first, it hid in the clouds and didn't want to appear. Finally, in the expectation of people, it tore open the clouds in front of it, gradually emerged, passed through layers of thin clouds, gradually rose, stopped at the top of the mountain opposite, and waved hello to everyone.

  While appreciating the bright and clear moon, I listened to the fairy stories about the Mid Autumn Festival told by adults: Wu Gang cutting laurel, Chang'e rushing to the moon, and jade rabbit making medicine. Among these fairy tales, I like "Wu Gang felling osmanthus" best: it is said that a man from Xihe, surnamed Wu Gang, was originally a woodcutter and was obsessed with immortality, but still refused to concentrate on his studies. Therefore, the emperor of heaven was so angry that he let him stay in the moon Palace and asked him to cut down a five hundred foot high osmanthus tree in the Moon Palace. He said that if he cut down the osmanthus tree, he could get the magic. However, every time Wu Gang cuts an axe, the wound of the tree heals immediately. Day after day, Wu Gang's desire to cut down laurels has not been realized. Therefore, Wu Gang has been cutting down laurels in the Moon Palace all the year round, and he can't cut down the tree, but he keeps cutting down. Adults always say that the dark shadow on the moon is Wu Gang cutting laurel

  Mid Autumn Festival is a time for family reunion; The Mid Autumn Festival is a day for family reunion, just like the bright moon in the sky, round and round


  The long-awaited Mid Autumn Festival has arrived. Father, mother and I had dinner and went to the balcony to enjoy the moon.

  There is a saying: "the moon shines brightly in the Mid Autumn Festival." On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon looks particularly round and bright. It looks like a super huge night pearl and a warm and bright white jade plate. It is extremely beautiful. The silvery moonlight shines on the grape trellis, as if wearing a white coat on the grape trellis; When it shines on the earth, it seems that the earth is covered with a thin layer of yarn.

  Seeing the beautiful scenery in front of me, I can't help thinking of Du Fu's "remembering my brother in the Moonlight": "the dew is white from tonight, and the moon is bright in my hometown." I can't help thinking of my sister who is boarding at school. In the past, we used to enjoy the moon in the Mid Autumn Festival. This year, she is the only one missing. I think my sister must have seen the bright moon at this time, and miss the family enjoying the moon together!

  Thinking of this, I mumbled: "how nice it is if my sister is here!" My mother heard this and asked me, "do you think it's important to watch the moon or study?" I answered without thinking: "of course, learning is important!" Mother said: "yes! You will face such a choice when you grow up. My sister can't be with us now, which means she has grown up." Dad smiled and chanted: "people have joys and sorrows, and the moon has waxes and wanes. It's hard to tell the whole story." I hesitated for a moment and said, "I hope people will last forever and share the beautiful scenery."

  It seems that it's normal that my sister can't enjoy the moon with us tonight.

  So we continued to enjoy the moon happily. And I seem to see my sister buried in her desk and studying hard through the moon.


  On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, my mother and I came to the Huaihe dam to watch the moon. The moon tonight is much rounder and brighter than usual. It looks like a silver mirror, hanging high in the sky. The shadow on the moon is like the beautiful Chang'e dancing; Under the osmanthus tree, Wu Gang is drinking wine; The lovely jade rabbit danced around Chang'e, applauding her graceful dance. Listen to Mom: "there are craters above the moon, large and small. And the moon is not self luminous. It is the sun that is blocked when passing through the moon, and the light is emitted to the earth through the moon."

  Quietly, the moon shines on the earth, so pure and true. The earth seems to be covered with a layer of silver yarn, which makes people feel very quiet and mysterious. The moonlight penetrates through the cracks of the trees, like silver pillars on the ground. The moonlight under the trees is unpredictable and amazing. I stood on the dam and looked forward. There was also a moon in the river. Although it was not as bright as the moon in the sky, it was more charming than the moon in the sky. This beautiful scene seems like a delicate ink painting. The breeze blows gently and wants to steal the painting, but ripple loves the moon more and hides it quickly. After a while, the moon shows its bright face again. At this time, there is a moon in the sky and a moon in the water. The two moons make the night of the Mid Autumn Festival more magical.

  It's late at night, and I'm tired. Accompanied by the moonlight, we set out on our way home. "I wish people can live long and share the beauty of the moon" I wish the moon can accompany me on the night of the mid autumn festival every year.


  The long-awaited Mid Autumn Festival has finally arrived. Our family had a reunion dinner and gathered on the balcony on the second floor to enjoy the moon. We looked forward to the beautiful moment of the full moon. It's getting dark, and the wind is pushing the clouds mischievously, trying to wrap the moon tightly, as if to create suspense. It seems that the moon should also be carefully dressed and heavily dressed to present the most beautiful dance of nature to people. As night falls, the moon seems to be impatient, and the clouds on the horizon scatter a little bit, as if the curtain is gradually lifted. The moon came out, and the faint light immediately fell gently on people. The houses, roads and trees nearby seemed to be covered with silver. Our whole family was intoxicated by the moonlight like water, and the happy ripples in our hearts. I can't help thinking of my relatives who are far away from home. At this moment, they should also be enjoying the crystal clear and pure moon, bathed in the light of the moon, and intoxicated in the water like moonlight. People all over the world are looking at the same bright moon, as if they are spending a good night with their relatives. Thinking of this, I can't help thinking: "people have joys and sorrows, and the moon has waxes and wanes. It's difficult to complete this matter in ancient times. I hope that people will live long and share the beautiful scenery."

  It is late at night, the moon rises to the center of the stage surrounded by jewel like stars. The Milky Way crosses the sky from the northwest to the southeast. We look up at the starry sky, hope that this year's Mid Autumn Festival will be rounder and brighter, wish sister Chang'e a happy life on the moon, and pray for the happiness of people all over the world!


  The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. Our family's Mid Autumn Festival this year is different from that in previous years, because my uncle's family is coming back to celebrate the reunion festival with us. In the evening, my mother cooked a rich dinner for us, including shredded pork with fish flavor, braised chicken, and stewed my favorite spareribs in clear soup! The family gathered around the table, eating and saying blessings. They were very happy.

  After dinner, we went to the living room to eat moon cakes together. My mother bought many moon cakes, including my favorite fruit filled ones, strawberry flavor, pineapple flavor, peach flavor, coconut flavor, corn flavor, and the old moon cakes that adults like to eat, including five kernel ones, thousand layer pretzel and salt crisp, and Thousand Layer beef crisp. Everyone picked out the moon cake they liked and ate it. Finally, my sister cut the moon cake and we ate it separately. It was filled with red mud and egg yolk. It was fragrant, sweet and soft. It was delicious! After eating the moon cakes, we went to the top of the bungalow to enjoy the moon. Once we got to the roof, wow! The moon on the 15th is exceptionally round and bright. Seeing the round moon, I can't help thinking of the story of Chang'e running to the moon. I want to fly to the moon like Chang'e, explore the mysteries of the moon, visit the moon, and enjoy things that are not on the earth. I will also quietly tell Chang'e how much changes have taken place on our earth. How advanced science is and how rich our life is. I will also persuade her to return to the world with us and live a rich life. My sister called me "come and see it. I sent it to the Internet, so that people all over the world can share this reunion day with us.

  How happy the Mid Autumn Festival is! I hope the moon will be rounder and brighter in the Mid Autumn Festival next year. Our days are better.


  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. In the evening, my parents and I enjoyed the moon in Donggu lake.

  The moon tonight is rounder and brighter than ever. I sat down on the lawn of Donggu lake. The dark blue sky set off the white full moon, emitting soft white light, illuminating the dark sky. The stars in the sky also flicker ceaselessly, circling the moon, forming a scene of stars supporting the moon.

  I picked up my mobile phone and just wanted to take this picture, but the moon, like a shy little girl, hid in the clouds. After repeating this several times, the moon finally showed her beautiful face. But beside her, there was a cloud. It seemed that the moon would play hide and seek with us at any time. So I thought of "pat my horse *", and I read aloud to the moon with my parents: when is the bright moon? Ask Qingtian about the wine. I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night. After reading Su Shi's "shuidiao Ge tou", my father then recited Li Bai's "Gulang Yuexing": when I was young, I didn't know the moon, so I called it a white jade plate. I also suspect that the mirror of Yaotai is flying at the end of the blue cloud.

  In this way, we talked vividly and finally "sent away" the cloud. I raised my head and looked at the moon carefully. My heart was full of infinite reveries about the night sky.

  Such a bright moonlight, like the fairy water in the Milky way, bathed me and washed away my worries of the day.


  The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. Every family is eating moon cakes and enjoying the moon. Of course, I am no exception.

  After dinner, I stood on the balcony, eating moon cakes while waiting for the moon to unveil its mystery. After a while, the gauze on the edge of the moon gradually dissipated, and then I saw the true face of the moon. It is like a large silver white jade plate hanging in the dark blue sky. A group of returning birds flew past it. I quickly took the camera and recorded this poetic moment.

  At this time, I suddenly thought, "Alas, has Chang'e eaten moon cakes?" In those years, in order to live forever and replace Hou Yi as the "marksman", the bad disciple stole the elixir that Hou Yi had worked hard to obtain, but found that the kind Chang'e was guarding him day and night. A terrible idea flashed through his mind: "kill Chang'e and steal Xianguo". This idea became more and more intense. He took a dagger into Chang'e's room and stabbed her. Chang'e turned around and dodged the deadly knife. In a hurry, Chang'e picked up the fairy fruit and swallowed it. Her body slowly floated to the heaven

  I sigh, feel sad for Chang'e's tragic fate, and feel sad for those who can't go home to reunite with their families. I wish them to reunite with their loved ones and never separate

  I yawned, looked at the bright moon, the soft moonlight shone on me, rubbed my eyes, and patted my head. I left reluctantly


  At night, the clouds and mist slowly dispersed, and the moon gradually rose from the sky. The small pool in front of my house was as quiet as a mirror. The bright moon was reflected in the water. The fish were all around the moon, shaking their heads and tails, as if thinking about what it was?

  My parents, grandparents and I are in our garden, enjoying the moon while eating moon cakes. The moon lit up the people coming home, the quiet lake, and the green grass.

  A good idea suddenly popped up in my mind, so I called my family together and said, "next, I'll show you a magic trick." With this, I filled a glass of water, covered the mouth of the cup with my hand, and said a few spells. As soon as my hand was extended, everyone exclaimed, "Wow!" There was a moon in the water cup. My father praised me and said, "you are so awesome!" I'm feeling sweet.

  Everyone said that the moon on the 15th was round and round. As expected, the round moon was hanging in the sky! Suddenly, a group of small stars loomed beside them. They were like a small soldier patrolling the earth in the sky!

  The quiet brook was rushing along, and even the mighty lobster could not resist the charm of the moonlight and ran out to enjoy the moonlight.

  There is a grape beside it, and small grapes are hanging on it! I think there is only one grape there. It must be very lonely!

  Ah! What a beautiful night, my family and I are watching the moon.


  There is a poem that says: the moon is especially bright when it comes to the Mid Autumn Festival. After dinner, I was in the small yard with my parents and grandparents, tasting sweet moon cakes while chatting and appreciating the moon.

  The night is quiet. In the dark blue sky, the moon looks like a disc. It is no longer the usual curved boat. It sprinkles pieces of bright light on the earth. It is not as dazzling and dazzling as the sun's light, but only gently sprinkles its own light on every corner of the courtyard.

  "Dad, are there Chang'e and jade rabbit on the moon?" No, it's just a beautiful legend. There are only craters and some boulders. Oh, I'm disappointed. Dad asked again: do you know? Who was the first person in the world to land on the moon? It seems to be Armstrong! I answered. right!

  The breeze is blowing, and I feel refreshing and pleasant. The family talks and laughs, which makes people feel warm and incomparable.

  I looked at the bright moon like a disc and felt the deep affection of my family. My heart seemed to grow a pair of wings and fly to the boundless night sky.


  The Mid Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar every year. On this day, people eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon, because the moon on the Mid Autumn Festival is the roundest. This year's Mid Autumn Festival, I also enjoyed the moon.

  After eating moon cakes in the evening, I can't wait to come downstairs to enjoy the moon. At that time, it was just dark, and the moon in the clouds was ready. It passed through layers of clouds, ripped open the night, and finally revealed half of its head. The moon was golden at first and slowly rising. In a moment, the color of the moon became pale and white. The silver white light of the moon shines on the earth, putting a silver white veil on everything in the world.

  In the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, in the dim moonlight, in the chirping of insects, in the faint fragrance of flowers and plants... I was intoxicated. I looked up at the starry sky again and found that the moon was more round, like a big round moon cake hanging in the sky. It gradually merged with the scenery around me. At this time, my thoughts are myriad. I think of my father who works thousands of miles away, Yang Ling's grandparents, and Sichuan's brothers and sisters. I really miss those relatives who are far away from home.

  How mysterious the moon is! It's round, beautiful and bright! It symbolizes the Acacia of relatives and the reunion of thousands of families, and it brings me infinite insights. Watching the moon on the Mid Autumn Festival is really an unforgettable night.
