
时间:2022-11-29 06:05:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#四六级考试# 导语】没有被折磨的觉悟,就没有向前冲的资格。既然选择了,就算要跪着也要走下去。其实有时候我们还没做就被我们自己吓退了,想要往前走,就不要考虑太多,去做就行了。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。



  Pocket Money

  Personally, I don’t believe that giving children pocket money is a very good idea. In my opinion, doing so only encourages children to think that things in life are free. As humans, we only value those things that cost us something to obtain.

  When I was a child, my parents never gave us any pocket money(or “allowance” as we call it in America). They made us work to earn any money we had. They wanted us to know that money is valuable, and that hard work is even more valuable. They wanted us to learn to make wise choices with our money, and they knew we would be more careful with our money if we earned it ourselves. Finally, they wanted us to understand that work and money are related: you cannot have one without the other.

  I think there are two things parents need to do to help their children understand the value of money. First, they should make their children earn their spending money, which will make the children consider the money precious. Second, they should not always stop their children from doing foolish things with their money. Making some mistakes will teach the children to be wise.


  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the following topic.Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.You should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words.

  Shall we acknowledge our mistakes actively?


  When we make mistakes,we will feel embarrassed and shameful.However, sometimes we won’t acknowledge our mistakes actively especially when our mistakes are involved with others.We tend to think that I won’t commit the same mistake any more and there is no need to acknowledge the mistakes.

  Is there no need to acknowledge our mistakes? Definitely no.There are two reasons to account for this.Firstly,acknowledging our mistakes actively represents a kind of attitude which indicates that we have realized the mistakes and we will be responsible for it.Secondly,when we say “sorry, it’s my fault” to our partners or to the person involved with our mistakes,they will forget the harm or loss our mistakes bring them and will continue cooperation and connection with us because they regard that we can shoulder the responsibility.Otherwise,we will leave a bad impression on them.

  All in all,it is not embarrassed to acknowledge our mistakes. Instead,acknowledging our mistakes actively reflects our responsible attitude and can leave a good impressions on others.


  feel embarrassed and shameful 觉得不好意思、羞愧

  be involved with 与……相关,涉及

  We tend to think that I won’t commit the same mistake any more and there is no need to acknowledge the mistakes. 我们常常这样想:我不会再犯同样的错误了,没必要承认错误。

  account for 解释……,是……的原因

  be responsible for 为……负责

  continue cooperation and connection with us 继续同我们的合作和与联系

  all in all 总之



  1) 有人认为智力是天生的;

  2) 也有人认为智力是环境决定的;

  3) 如何更好地发展智力。


  Are some people born clever, and others born stupid Or is intelligence developed by our environment or experience Strangely enough, the answer to both questions is yes.

  On the one hand, if we take two people at random from the crowd, it is very likely that their degrees of intelligence will be completely different. However, if we take two identical twins, chances are that they will be as intelligent as each other. Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence.

  On the other hand, though, if we put two identical twins in different environments, for example, we might send one to university and the other to a factory where the work is boring, we would find differences in their intelligence several years later, which indicates that environment does play a crucial role in our intelligence.

  Just as every coin has two sides, our intelligence is partly born and partly developed. The sure way to develop our intelligence is intelligent parents as well as a good environment.
