1 Paul recently completed/finished a Crazy English class,;保罗最近结束了疯狂英 语的课程, and he's very proud of the results.;他为自己的成绩感到骄 傲。 His family has noticed that he's speaking English more loudly, more clearly,;他的家人发现他在说英 语时,比以往更大声, 更清楚, more fluently and more confidently than ever before.;更流利,而且更加自信。 His boss has noticed that he's more effective and successful in his work;他的老板发觉他在工作 中更有效率和更成功了。 All his friends tell him that he's friendlier,;他所有的朋友都告诉他 less shy and more outgoing than before.;他变的比以前更友好, 更直爽,胆子也大了。 And Paul himself has noticed that;保罗自己也发现 he's more comfortable and relaxed when he speaks in front of people;他在众人面前说英语时, 愈加轻松自如 and he's even enjoying himself more at parties.;甚至在派对上也玩得更开 心。 Paul is feeling much better about himself these days.;保罗这些天自我感觉 很多。 That's why he's now recommending;Crazy English to everybody he knows.;这就是他现在向所有认 识的人推荐“疯狂英语” 的原因。 2 Feeling good about yourself is the key to a happier and more productive life.;自我感觉良好是拥有快 乐和更有成绩感的生 活的关键。 Being a good English speaker;作为一个口语流利者 will definitely make you feel good about yourself.;你一定会有一种全新的 感觉。 Paul recently completed/finished a Crazy English class,;保罗最近结束了疯狂英 语的课程, and he's very proud of the results.;他为自己的成绩感到 骄傲。 His family has noticed that he's speaking English more loudly, more clearly,;他的家人发现他在说英 语时,比以往更大声, 更清楚, more fluently and more confidently than ever before.;更流利,而且更加自信。 His boss has noticed that he's more effective and successful in his work;他的老板发觉他在工作 中更有效率和更成功了。 All his friends tell him that he's friendlier,;他所有的朋友都告诉他 less shy and more outgoing than before.;他变的比以前更友好, 更直爽,胆子也大了。 And Paul himself has noticed that;保罗自己也发现 he's more comfortable and relaxed when he speaks in front of people;他在众人面前说英语时, 愈加轻松自如 and he's even enjoying himself more at parties.;甚至在派对上也玩得更 开心。 Paul is feeling much better about himself these days.;保罗这些天自我感觉 很多。 That's why he's now recommending;Crazy English to everybody he knows.;这就是他现在向所有认 识的人推荐“疯狂英语” 的原因。 2 Feeling good about yourself is the key to a happier and more productive life.;自我感觉良好是拥有快 乐和更有成绩感的生活的 关键。 Being a good English speaker;作为一个口语流利者 will definitely make you feel good about yourself.;你一定会有一种全新的 感觉。 第2篇:辛劳的回报 Hard Work Pays Off; 1 2000 was a great year for Donna.;2000年对唐娜来说真是太 幸运了 In January she was hired by the Stone-Cliz;她一月份被Stone—Cliz International English Promotion Company as a personal assistant.;国际英语推广公司聘为 私人助理, In Marych she was sent to school by the company to study information management;三月份,公司派她去学习 信息管理。 In April she was given a raise.;四月,获得了一次加薪。 Just one month later,;就在一个月以后, she was promoted to the position of supervisor of her department.;她又被提升为所在部 门的主管。 2 In July she was chosen"Employee of the Month.;七月份,她被评选为“ 本月员工” "In September she was given another raise.;九月,她再一次得到了 加薪 In October she was invited to apply for;在十月她获得一次机会 申请 a position in the company's overseas office in New York.;公司驻纽约的海外办事 处的职位。 And in December she was given the new job and flown to America to begin to work.;十二月,唐娜获得那份 工作,并动身飞往美国 走上了她的 新的工作岗位。 3 Donna certainly has had a very incredible year.;这对唐娜来说当然是 不可思议的一年 She can't believe all the amazing things that have happened to her;她不敢相信自己遇到那 么多幸运的事情 since she was hired just one year ago.;她才被聘用一年 4 You see, hard work and devotion paid off for Donna.;你瞧,全身心投入工作 换来了唐娜的的成就。 She knows the golden rule "you must give to receive.";她深知为人的黄金准则, 那就是“有付出才有收 获” She gave one hundred percent effort to her job;她对工作付出了百分之 百的努力, and reached unbelievable success!;也取得了令人难以置信的 成功。
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