

时间:2022-05-05 10:33:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1 Absolutely not.;(绝对不是。)
2 Are you coming with me?;(你跟我一起去吗?)
3 Are you sure?;(你能肯定吗?)
4 As soon as possible.;(尽快。)
A: When does this work need to be finished?;(这工作需要什么 时候完成?)
B: As soon as possible.;(尽快。)
5 Believe me.;(相信我。)
6 Buy it!;(买下来!)
7 Call me tomorrow.;(明天打电话给我。)
8 Can you speak slowly?;(请您说得慢些好吗。)
9 Come with me.;(跟我来?)
10 Congratulations!;(恭喜恭喜。)
11 Do it right?;(把它做对。)
12 Do you mean it?;(你是当真的吗?)
13 Do you see him often?;(你经常见到他吗?)
14 Do you see it? Do you understand?;(你明白了吗?)
15 Do you want it?;(你要吗?)
16 Do you want something?;(你想要些什么?)
17 Don't do it.;(不要做。)
18 Don't exaggerate.;(不要夸张。)
19 Don't tell me that.;(不要告诉我。)
A: We have to attend a boring meeting tomorrow.;(明天我们要参加一个 枯燥的会议。)
B: Don't tell me that. I wanted to relax and go shopping.;(不要告诉我,我想轻松 一下,上街去购物。)
20 Give me a hand.;(帮我一下。)
21 Go right ahead.;(一直往前走。)
22 Have a good trip.;(祝旅途愉快。)
23 Have a nice day.;(祝你一天过得愉快。)
24 Have you finished?;(你做完了吗?)
25 He doesn't have time.;(他没空。)
26 He is on his way.;(他现在已经在路上了。)
27 How are you doing?;(你好吗?)
28 How long are you staying?;(你要呆多久?)
29 I am crazy about her.;(我对她着迷了。)
30 I am wasting my time.;(我在浪费时间。)
31 I can do it.;(我能做的。)
32 I can't belive it.;(我简直不能相信。)
A: Stone was thrown into jail last night!;(石头昨晚进了监狱。)
B: I can't believe it! He's such a great guy. This news will kill his mother!;(我简直不敢相信!他是个 多么了不起的人!这消 息会让他妈发疯的。)
33 I can't wait.;(我不能再等了。)
34 I don't have time.;(我没有时间。)
35 I don't know anybody.;(我一个人都不认识。)
36 I don't like it.;(我不喜欢。)
37 I don't think so.;(我认为不是。)
38 I feel much better.;(我感觉好多了。)
39 I found it.;(我找到了。)
40 I hope so.;(我希望如此。)
41 I knew it.;(我早知道了。)
42 I noticed that.;(我注意到了。)
43 I see.;(我明白了。)
44 I speak English well.;(我英语说得很好。)
45 I think so.;(我认为是这样的。)
46 I want to speak with him.;(我想跟他说话。)
47 I won.;(我赢了。)
48 I would like a cup of coffee, please.;(请给我一杯咖啡。)
49 I'm hungry.;(我饿死了。)
50 I'm leaving.;(我要走了。)
51 I'm sorry.;(对不起。)
52 I'm used to it.;(我已经习惯了。)
53 I'll miss you.;(我会想念你的。)
A: I'm leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow.;(我明天去香港。)
B: I'll miss you.;(我会想你的。)
54 I'll try.;(我试试看。)
55 I'm bored.;(我很无聊。)
56 I'm busy.;(我很忙。)
57 I'm having fun.;(我玩得很开心。)
58 I'm ready.;(我准备好了。)
59 I've got it.;(我明白了。)
60 I've had it.;(我受够了。)
61 It's incredible!;(真是难以置信!)
62 Is it far?;(很远吗?)
63 It doesn't matter.;(没关系。)
64 It smells good.;(闻起来很香。)
65 It's about time.;(是时候了。)
66 It's all right.;(没关系。)
67 It's easy.;(很容易。)
68 It's good.;(很好。)
69 It's near here.;(离这里很近。)
70 It's nothing.;(没什么。)
71 It's time to go.;(该走了。)
72 It's different.;(那是不同的。)
73 It's funny.;(很滑稽。)
74 It's impossible.;(那是不可能的。)
75 It's not bad.;(还行。)
A: What do you think about the used car I just bought?;(你觉得我刚买的那部旧 车如何?)
B: It's not bad.;(还行。)
76 It's not difficult.;(不难。)
77 It's not worth it.;(不值得。)
78 It's obvious.;(很明显的。)
79 It's the same thing.;(还是一样的。)
80 It's your turn.;(轮到你了。)
81 Let me know.;(告诉我。)
82 Let me see.;(让我想一想。)
83 Me too.;(我也一样。)
84 Not yet!;(还没有!)
85 Relax!;(放松!)
86 See you tomorrow.;(明天见。)
87 She is my best friend.;(她是我的朋友。)
88 She is so smart.;她真聪明。)
89 Show me.;(指给我看。)
90 Tell me.;(告诉我。)
91 Thank you very much.;(多谢。)
92 That happens.;(这样的事情经常发生。)
A: I can't believe that I called my girlfriend/wife/father the wrong name.;(我不敢相信我竟然叫错 了女朋友/妻子/ 父亲的名字。)
B: That happens.;(这种事情经常发生。)
93 That's enough.;(够了。)
94 That's interesting.;(很有趣。)
95 That's right.;(对了。)
96 That's true.;(这是真的。)
97 There are too many people here.;(这里人太多。)
98 They like each other.;(他们互相倾慕。)
99 Think about it.;(考虑一下。)
100 Too bad!;(太糟糕啦!)
101 Wait for me.;(等等我)
102 What did he say?;(他说什么?)
103 What do you think?;(你认为怎样?)
104 What is he talking about?;(他在说些什么?)
105 What terrible weather!;(多坏的天气!)
106 What's going on/ What's happening/ What's the problem?;(怎么样啦?)
107 What's the date today?;(今天几号?)
108 Where are you going?;(你去哪里?)
109 Where is he?;(他在哪里?)
110 You are impatient.;(你太性急了。)
A: I don't think my daughter will ever learn to speak English!;(我觉得我女儿不可能学 会说英语了!)
B: I think you're too impatient. She's only three years old!;你太性急了。她才三岁!
111 You look tired.;(你看上去很累。)
112 You surprise me.;(你让我大吃一惊。)
113 You're crazy.;(你疯了。)
114 You're welcome.;(别客气)
115 You're always right.;(你总是对的。)
116 You're in a bad mood.;(你心情不好。)
117 You're lying.;(你在撒谎。)
118 You're wrong.;(你错了。)

李阳疯狂英语脱口而出准备篇2-2 一百个超级短句.doc
