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【#高一# 导语】 高中阶段学习难度、强度、容量加大,学习负担及压力明显加重,不能再依赖初中时期老师“填鸭式”的授课,“看管式”的自习,“命令式”的作业,要逐步培养自己主动获取知识、巩固知识的能力,制定学习计划,养成自主学习的好习惯。今天®文档大全网高一频道为正在拼搏的你整理了《高一下册英语必修三知识点》,希望以下内容可以帮助到您!


  earn one’s living by… =live by…=make a living by…靠…谋生

  eg. He earned his living by begging from door to door.

  He didn’t look forward to being Be in debt欠债。

  Be out of debt 还清债务。

  Be in sb.’s debt 欠某人人情。

  Eg. Saving my life, I am forever in your debt.

  She didn’t look happy butGlare at 怒视,带有敌意

  Eg. ―How could you do that?‖he said, glaring at his mother.

  Glance at 扫视

  Eg.He glanced at his watch and left in a hurry.

  Stare at 张大眼睛死死地盯着

  Eg.She stared at him in surprise.Agree to (do) sth. 表示―同意某事或某建议‖,后只能跟表―提议,计划,方案,打算,安排‖ Eg.He agreed to their proposal.

  He agreed to get someone to help us.

  Agree with sb. 同意某人

  Eg.I agree with every word you said.

  Agree on sth. 表示在某事上取得一致的`意见

  Eg.They agreed on a date for the next meeting.

  But don’t you think it would be better if you 虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句的谓语动词用过去式(be用were),而主句的谓语动词用would(should, could ,might)+动词原形。例如:

  If I were you, I should study English better.

  If he had time, he would attend the meeting.

  spy (v/n) 监视,侦查,看见,间谍

  1) 暗中监视;侦查。 It is impolite to spy into other people’s windows.

  2) 看见,发现。 He suddenly spied an old friend in the supermarket.

  before long 和long before

  1)before long是介词短语,在句子中作状语,意思为:“不久后,很快”。多与将来时或者过去时连用。如:I shall visit you again before long.

  2)long before是副词短语,意思为:“很久以前”,多与完成时连用。如:

  He had taken a doctor’s degree long before.

  Before不仅可以用作副词,还可以用作介词或者连词,这时long before…的意思为: “早在…之前”。如:He had come to America long before the war.


  1. because of 因为 (接名词/代词/名词性从句)

  due to “由于”, 作表语或状语

  thanks to “由于, 多亏”, 作表语或状语

  owing to “由于”, 作表语或状语

  as a result of “因为…的结果”, 作状语

  on account of “因为”, 作状语

  2. native adj. 本地的, 本国的 n.本地人;当地人;原产于某地的动植物

  one’s native land/country/language 故乡;祖国;母语

  a native speaker of English 以英语为母语的人 be native to(动植物)原产于某地

  3. official: adj 官方的;正式的

  an official language 一种官方语言

  an official document 一份正式文件

  4. come up: 走上前来;被提出;(太阳、月亮)升起;发生

  come up with a good idea: 想出一个好点子

  5. base v. 以…为根据:base sth. on sth. 使…以…为依据/基础n. 基础:basis n. 根据;基本原则

  base one’s opinions on facts: 意见以事实为依据 be based on: 以…为依据

  on the basis of… 在…的基础上 the basis of/for your opinion 你的看法的依据

  6. present v. 赠送;呈现;介绍;描述adj 现在的;在场地n. 赠品;礼物

  present sth. to sb./present sb. with sth. 向某人赠送/颁发/授予/介绍某物

  present sb. to sb. else 向某人介绍/引见某人be present at the meeting 出席会议

  the present situation目前的形式 at present/at the present time 目前;现在

  everyone present 在场的各位 for the present 眼下;暂时

  7. vocabulary 词汇;词汇量

  with/have a large vocabulary: 词汇量很大 increase/enlarge vocabulary 增加/扩大词汇(量)

  8. make use of 利用;使用

  make full use of 充分利用

  make good use of 好好利用

  make little use of 不充分利用

  make the best (use) of 更好地利用

  make the most of 更好地利用

  9. such as: 用于列举:sweet food, such as chocolate =such sweet food as chocolate

  10. command v. 命令;指令;掌握n.命令;指令;掌握

  command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 command (that) sb. (should) do sth.用虚拟语气

  obey the captain’s commands 服从船长的命令 give a command 发布命令

  by sb’s command 根据…的命令 take the command of an army: 统帅/指挥一支军队

  under the command of sb.=under sb’s command 在…的指挥下

  have a good command of English. 精通/熟练掌握英语

  11. request v 请求,要求n.要求,请求

  request sth. 要求/请求得到,索要某物

  request sth. from sb. 向某人索要某物

  request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

  request that sb. (should) do sth.

  It’s requested that…据要求

  as requested 依据请求

  make a request for sth. 要求/需要某物

  make a request that 从句,要求

  by request 应邀

  at sb’s request/at the request of sb.根据…的请求

  12. play a part in 在…中担任角色/起作用 play the part of sb 扮演某人的角色

  play an important/vital part/role in (doing) sth. 在…中起重要/至关重要的作用

  play the leading role/part 起主要作用,起带头作用,演主角

  13. recognize vt. 识别;认出

  recognize sb./sb’s voice. 认出/听出某人的声音

  recognize sth./that 从句 承认

  recognize sth./sb. to be 承认某人是…

  recognize sth./sb. as sth. 正式认可/接受某事/人为…

  recognition n. 承认,认出

  beyond/out of recognition 认不出来

  14. a large number of fluent English speakers 许多英语讲得流利的人

  the number of people learning English 学习英语的人的数目

  15. make sense 有道理;有意义;讲得通

  16. hold on 别挂(电话);坚持

  17. ask directions 问路

  give directions 指路;给予指示

  in the direction of 朝…方向

  in all directions/in every direction 向四面八方

  18. put sth. down 写下;记下;

  19、have fun with sth. 以…为乐


  1. add up合计

  add up to…共计, 总计达


  2. upset sb. 使某人不安

  upset oneself about sth. 为某事而烦恼

  be upset at/about 因…而烦恼

  3. ignore sb./sth. 忽视,不理会

  be ignorant of 对… 无知,不了解

  ignorant adj 无知的,愚昧的

  ignorance n 无知.愚昧

  4. calm(使)平静/镇定;平静的

  calm down 镇静, 平静

  calm sb. down 使某人镇静

  keep calm 保持镇静

  5. concern vt. 使担忧;涉及;关系到n.担心;关注

  with concern 关切地

  show (no) concern for/about sb. 对…(不)关心,

  concern oneself with/ in 参与,干涉

  be concerned with 与… 有关系 be concerned about/ for sth. /that-clause

  为…担心, 挂念

  As far as… be concerned 就某某而言

  concerning prep. 关于,有关

  6. walk the dog 遛狗

  7. go through 经历, 经受

  go through a hard time 经历了一段困难时期

  go through the baggage 检查行李

  go through the newspaper 浏览报纸

  go through lots of money 花了很多钱

  8. set down. 记下,放下

  set down the ideas on paper 把想法写在纸上

  set me down at the bus-stop 在车站让我下车

  9. a series of 一系列的, 一连串的

  a series of books 丛书

  a series of stamps 一套邮票

  a series of pictures 连环画

  10. on purpose 故意地= by design= deliberately

  by chance/accident= accidentally

  lie to sb. on purpose 故意向某人撒谎

  on purpose to do sth. 为了…而特地

  go there on purpose to see sb.


  for/with the purpose of 为了…目的

  11. in order to/ so as to (do sth.) 为了, 以…为目的

  so as to “为了”, 只能用在句中   in order that / so that “为了”, 其后接句子。

  12. at dusk 在黄昏时刻 at dawn 在黎明时分 at daybreak at midnight at sunrise/sunset

  13. face to face 面对面地(作状语)

  have a face-to-face interview with the hero


  shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地

  hand in hand 手拉手地

  heart to heart 贴心地

  side by side 并排地

  back to back 背靠背地

  arm in arm 臂挽臂地

  word by word 逐字地

  14. settle sb. 使..定居,安家 settle an argument/ a matter 解决争端/问题

  settle down 定居下来,平静下来,舒适地坐下

  15. suffer遭受;忍受;经历

  suffer from因…而痛苦, 患…病

  suffer from loneliness 因孤独而痛苦

  suffer from a bad cold 得了重感冒

  ⑵遭受, 蒙受(痛苦/饥饿/寒冷/损失)

  suffer a heavy loss遭受严重损失

  suffer pain/hunger/cold/death


  sufferer n. 受苦者

  suffering n. 痛苦, 苦难

  16. recover from illness 生病后恢复 17. get/be tired of 对… 厌烦

  18.pack (sth.) up 将(东西)装箱打包

  19. get along / on with

  get along / on with sb. 与某人相处

  get along / on with sth. 某事进展

  get along/on well/nicely/badly with

  与…处得好/不好; …进展顺利/不顺利

  20. fall in love 相爱,爱上 e.g. Fall in love with sb./sth. at the first sight.

  21. join in sth. / doing sth. 参加活动

  join in playing football 参加踢足球

  join in the game 参加游戏活动

  join 参加组织团体

  join the army 参军

  join sb. in 和…一起参加…活动

  join them in singing 与他们一起唱歌

  22. have trouble / difficulty / problem with sb. / sth. 和某人相处/做某事有困难

  have trouble / difficulty / problem (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难


  Ⅰ. 常考单词必背

  1. scene n.(戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色

  When he came on the scene,everything came to an end.



  behind the scenes 在幕后;在后台

  on the scene 在现场,当场

  appear/come on the scene 到场;出现

  2. permit vt.&vi.许可;允许;准许 n.通行证;许可证;执照

  They are not permitted to go there with their father.



  (1)permit doing sth 允许做某事

  permit sb to do sth 允许某人做某事

  permit sb sth 允许某人某事

  (2)permission n.允许;准许;许可

  3.ahead adv. 在前;向前;提前

  I have a very busy day ahead of me.



  look ahead 向前看;展望未来

  ahead of 在……前面;

  ahead of time 提前

  4.fault n.过错;缺点;故障

  He is always finding fault with my work.



  find fault with... 挑剔;对……吹毛求疵

  at fault 有错;有责任

  5. spot vt. 发现;认出 n.斑点;污点;地点

  Neighbours spotted smoke coming out of the house.


  He bought the car on the spot.



  spot sb doing sth 发现某人正在干某事

  on the spot当场;在现场;到现场

  6. account vi.& vt.认为;说明;总计有 n.说明;理由;计算;账目

  The police asked him to give a brief account of what had happened.



  on account of 由于,因为

  on no account 决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)

  take...into account/take account of 考虑到,体谅,顾及

  7.seek vt.&vi.(sought,sought) 寻找;探索;寻求

  I am always seeking to improve my teaching method.



  seek after/for 寻找;寻求;追求

  seek help/advice/assistance 请求帮助/征求意见/请求援助

  seek out 找出;搜出

  seek to do sth (相当于try to do sth) 打算/试图做某事

  8. contrary n.反面;对立面 adj. 相反的;相违的

  His opinion is contrary to mine.



  be contrary to 与……相反;相违背

  9.amount n.数量 vi. 合计;共计;接近

  The cost amounted to £250.



  a(large/small) amount of+n.[U](谓语动词用单数)

  (large/small) amounts of+n.[U](谓语动词用复数)

  amount to... 共达……;合计……

  10.manner n.礼貌;举止;方式

  He was walking in a rather unnatural manner.



  in a...manner 以……的方式

  it is bad/good manners to do sth 做某事没有/有礼貌


  Ⅱ. 高频短语必会

  1. bring up 抚养;培养;教育;提出

  His new suggestion was brought up at the meeting.



  bring about 引起;导致;造成

  bring down 使(飞机)降落;使倒下;降低;减少

  bring in 带进来;赚得;有收入

  bring out 取出;说出;阐明;出版

  2. by accident 偶然;无意中;不小心

  I ran into an old friend in the street by accident.



  (1)同义词:by chance

  (2)反义词:on purpose/by design有意地

  (3)by no accident 绝非偶然

  by mistake 错误地

  3. go ahead 前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说

  Go ahead! We are all listening to you carefully.



  go by 经过;时间流逝

  go against 违背

  go through 浏览;翻阅;遭受;用完;仔细检查

  go over 复习;检查

  go on 发生,继续下去

  4. stare at 盯着看;凝视

  Everyone in the room turned to stare at her.



  stare sb down/out 盯得人局促不安

  stare sb into silence 用眼睛瞪得某人哑口无言

  stare sb up and down 上下打量某人

  5. account for 导致;做出解释

  He couldn't account for being absent from the meeting.


  6. on the contrary 与此相反;正相反

  My grandma is not sick;on the contrary,she's in very good condition.



  to the contrary 有相反情况,相反的(地)

  7. take a chance 冒险

  He is just taking a chance to walk on such a thin rope.



  have a chance to do sth 有机会干某事

  8.as for 关于;至于

  As for me,I shall not return there either.



  as to 至于,关于,就……而论

  in/with regard to 至于,关于


  1. first aid 的意思是“急救”,

  eg:first aid to the injured 给予伤员的急救。


  give/offer aid 援助

  come to sb'said 帮助某人

  teaching aids 教具

  medical aid医疗救护

  with the aid of 借助于

  get injured 受伤,在现代英语中大量地出现了由“get + 及物动词不达意的过去分词”构成的被动语态,这叫 get - 型被动语态。

  eg:The computer got(was)damaged when we were moving. 我们搬家的时候,电脑碰坏了。

  My bike is getting (isbeing)repaired row. 我的自行车正在修理。

  2. Protect 动词,“保护、维护”,

  用于句式“protect + 名词 + against/from + 名词”。

  e.g. He is wearingsunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight. 他带着太阳镜以挡强烈的阳光。


  Keep... from... 不让/避免

  stop... (from) ... 阻止

  prevent...(from) ... 妨碍/防止

  disable... from... 使……失去(能力/资格)

  save... from... 挽救、拯救

  3.depend on 取决于。

  e.g. The amount you paydepends on where you live. 你付多少取决于你住哪里。


  depend on 依靠,依赖:

  His family depends on him. 他的一家人全靠他养活。


  We are depending on you to finish the job by Friday. 我们相信你在星期五前能完成这项工作。

  4. squeeze 动词,意思是“榨取”、“挤出”,例如:squeeze an orange 榨橘子


  squeeze + 名词 + out(of/from) + 名词,

  over and over again 再三地。

  eg:I’ve told you over and overagain not to do that.


  5. hurt 既可作及物动词,作“伤害”、“使受伤”解,也可作不及物动词,作“疼痛”、“感到疼痛”解。既可表达身体的受伤,也可以表达情感的伤害。

  e.g. The little boy hasfallen off a ladder and hurt himself. 小男孩从梯子上摔了下来受了伤。

  The driver hurt himself inthe accident. 司机在事故中受了伤。

  6. unless 除非……;如果不……。

  7. icy adj. 冰凉的

