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【#高一# 导语】进入高中后,很多新生有这样的心理落差,比自己成绩优秀的大有人在,很少有人注意到自己的存在,心理因此失衡,这是正常心理,但是应尽快进入学习状态。©文档大全网高一频道为正在努力学习的你整理了《高一下册英语必修五知识点》,希望对你有帮助!






  1.suck sb's brains 吸取某人的知识

  2.suck greedily 贪婪地吸食

  3.suck insatiably 口渴难熬地吸食

  4.suck thirstily 渴望地吸取

  5.suck down 吸下; 吸入

  6.suck down a boat 吞没小船

  7.suck in knowledge 吸收知识

  8.suck in water 海绵吸水

  9.suck under 吸下,吸入

  10.suck up 吸收,吸尽


  1. system 系统,体系

  2. theory 学说,理论

  3. violent 猛烈的,激烈的,

  4. in time 及时,终于

  5. unlike 不同,不像

  6. harmful 有害的

  7. lay eggs 下蛋

  8. exist 存在,生存

  9. give birth to 产生,分娩

  10. in one’s turn 轮到某人

  11. prevent from 阻止

  12. puzzle 谜,难题/使迷惑

  13. pull 拉,牵引力

  14. cheer up 感到振奋

  15. now that 既然

  16. break out 突发,爆发

  17. watch out 密切注视


  1. 被动语态的概念



  主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者~如:People grew rice in this area some years ago.

  被动语态表示主语是谓语动作的承受者,如:A new swimming pool will be built on our school.

  2. 被动语态的使用时机


  1. 不知道或不必说出动作的执行者。

  This book has been translated into many languages. 这本书已被翻译成许多种语言。

  2. 动作的对象是谈话的中心。

  A new railway will be built in our hometown. 我们家乡将建一条新铁路。

  3. 修辞的需要,为了使句子更加简练匀称。

  He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience. 他出现在舞台上受到了观众的热烈欢迎。



  1. because of 因为…… (注意和because 的区别)

  2. even if (= even thoug)即使,用来引导让步状语从句

  3. come up 走上前来,走近,发生,出现 come up with 追上,赶上,提出

  4. communicate with sb 和某人交流

  5. be different from… 与……不同

  be different in … 在……方面不同

  Most of my projects are different in performance.


  6. be based on 以……为基础

  7. at present 目前,眼下 for the present眼前;暂时

  8. make (good/better/full)use of

  9. the latter后者 the former 前者

  10. a large number of 大量的 the number of …的数量

  11. such as 例如

  12. hold on 坚持住,握住不放;(打电话时)等—会

  13. … you will hear the difference in the way(that/ in which) people speak.


  14. play a role/ part (in) 在…中担任角色;在…中起作用;扮演一个角色

  15. the same …as… 与……一样

  16. at the top of…在…顶上

  at the bottom of 在……底部

  17. bring up 教养,养育;提出

  18. request sb (not) to do sth. 要求某人做/不要做某事

  19. be satisfied with…对……感到满意,满足于

  20. suggest v. (request,insist…)

  I suggested you do what he says. 我建议你按照他说的去做。

  I suggest you not go tomorrow. 我想你明天还是不要去了。

  His pale face suggested that he was in bad health. 他苍白的脸色暗示了他身体不好。

  注意:insist 意思为“坚持要求”时后面的that从句用虚拟语气;如果insist 意为“强调,坚持认为”的时候,从句可以用任何所需要的时态。例如:She insisted that she didn’t tell a lie.她坚持认为她没撒谎。

  21. according to…. 按照… 根据…


  raise vt.“使……上升;升起;提高”等;

  rise vi.“上升;升起”;

  arise vi.“站起来(stand up)”,“起床(get up)”


  She raised her voice in anger. (抬高)

  The wind raised the fallen leaves from the ground. (刮起)

  The child rose from the ground and ran to his mother. (=The child raised himself from the ground and ran to his mother.) (爬起)

  She rises before it is light. (起床)

  Difficulties will arise as we do the work. (出现)

