2022年冬奥会都有哪些项目 2022年第24届冬季奥运会设15个大项,109个小项。 2022年冬奥会冰上项目: 1、冰壶。比赛场地:国家游泳中心。 2、冰球。比赛场地:五棵松体育中心、国家体育馆。 3、花样滑冰。比赛场地:首都体育馆。 4、速度滑冰。比赛场地:国家速滑馆。 5、短道速滑。比赛场地:首都体育馆。 2022年冬奥会雪上项目: 1、雪橇。比赛场地:国家雪车雪撬中心。 2、跳台滑雪。比赛场地:北欧两项和冬季两项中心。 3、钢架雪车。比赛场地:国家雪车雪橇中心。 4、自由式滑雪。比赛场地:云顶滑雪公园。 5、高山滑雪。比赛场地:国家高山滑雪中心。 6、越野滑雪。比赛场地:北欧两项和冬季两项中心。 7、单板滑雪。比赛场地:云顶滑雪公园。 8、冬季两项。比赛场地:北欧两项和冬季两项中心。 9、雪车。比赛场地:国家雪车雪橇中心。 10、北欧两项。比赛场地:北欧两项和冬季两项中心。 北京将承办所有冰上项目,延庆和张家口将承办所有的雪上项目。 24 solar terms 立春Beginning of Spring雨水Rain Water 惊蛰Awakening of Insects 春分Spring Equinox清明Pure Brightness 谷雨Grain Rain立夏Beginning of Summer 小满Grain Buds芒种Grain in Ear 夏至Summer Solstice小暑 Minor Heat 大暑 Major Heat立秋Beginning of Autumn 处暑End of Heat白露White Dew What are the events of the 2022 Winter Olympics There are 15 major events and 109 minor events in the 24th Winter Olympic Games in 2022. Ice sports of 2022 Winter Olympics: 1. Curling. Venue: National Swimming Center. 2. Ice hockey. Venue: Wukesong Sports Center and national stadium. 3. Figure skating. Venue: Capital Stadium. 4. Speed skating. Venue: national speed skating hall. 5. Short track speed skating. Venue: Capital Stadium. Snow sports of 2022 Winter Olympics: 1. Sleigh. Venue: National snowmobiling center. 2. Ski jumping. Venue: Nordic biathlon and winter biathlon center. 3. Steel snowmobile. Venue: National snowmobile and sled center. 4. Freestyle skiing. Venue: Yunding Ski Park. 5.Alpine skiing. Venue: National alpine skiing center. 6. Cross country skiing. Venue: Nordic biathlon and winter biathlon center. 7. Snowboarding. Venue: Yunding Ski Park. 8. Winter biathlon. Venue: Nordic biathlon and winter biathlon center. 9. Snowmobile. Venue: National snowmobile and sled center. 10. Nordic biathlon. Venue: Nordic biathlon and winter biathlon center. Beijing will undertake all ice projects, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou will undertake all snow projects. 秋分Autumnal Equinox寒露Cold Dew 霜降Frost’s Descent 立冬Beginning of Winter小雪Minor Snow 大雪Major Snow冬至Winter Solstice 小寒Minor Cold大寒Major Cold 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/0076eafa514de518964bcf84b9d528ea81c72f94.html