段落翻译 B-中国民俗-二十四节气-渊源-4 中文: 二十四节气(the Twenty-four Solar Terms)是中国古人的独特发明,它可以表示天文、季节、气候与农业生产的关系。二十四节气的确立和中国的农业生产息息相关。农业发展初期,由于农业生产在很大程度上受到季节变化的影响,人们开始探索自然的规律。在这个过程中,能表示季节和气候变化的二十四节气得以形成,人们用它来指导播种和收获等农事活动。时至今日,二十四节气仍然是用以指导农业生产不可或缺的重要工具。 语言要点: establishment; be closely associated with; at the initial stage of; be highly subject to; come into being; to date; function as; indispensable 译文: The Twenty-four Solar Terms show the relationship between the universe, seasons, climate and agriculture, which is a unique creation by Chinese ancestors. Its establishment was closely associated with Chinese agricultural production. At the initial stage of agricultural development, people began to explore rules of nature since agricultural production was highly subject to seasonal changes. Thus, the Twenty-four Solar Terms that can indicate the changes of seasons and climate came into being, and they were used to guide sowing, harvesting and other agricultural activities. To date, it has functioned as an indispensable tool to guide the agricultural production in China. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/520ef9dc53e79b89680203d8ce2f0066f53364ec.html