
时间:2022-12-23 05:23:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
夸美纽斯(15921670,捷克著名的教育家。他的教育思想相当丰富和完整,其中不仅包括反映新兴资产阶级的教育思想,而且对教育体制和教育管理改革有着独到的见解。 Johann Amos Comenius(15921670),Famous educationalist in the The Czech republic .The Education thought of Comenius' is quite abundant and completed that it contains not only the New bourgeoisie's Education thought but also his own original view point about the reformation of Education management system. 他在长期的教育实践和理论研究中,总结了一套比较完整的、系统的、有独创性的教育管理思想,其丰富性不仅对欧美及世界教育产生了重要的影响,更是对我们今天教育管理研究发展的一种反思和建议。

He highlights a new kind of Eduction management thought which is quite completed ,methodical and distinctive in his long time research of educational practice and theoretical study. It is a great influence on the education of Europe and America ,even the whole world, further more , it is also a reasonable introspection and advice to our today's Education management study.


So, this article deeply discussed and analyzed the Comenius' education management thought, I hope it could make a significant contribution to the reformation of our Education management system and the delevopment of our education career.


This paper is divided into five parts: the first is mainly about the origin of Comenius' Eduction management thought, it contains Comenius' life understanding , educational practice , the social reality of that time and the inheritance & improvement about Predecessors' experience .Comenius'Eduction management thought is a conprehensive product of these four aspects .this part lay the foundation for discuss the thought deeply.


The second part is mainly about The purpose of Comenius' education management which is to become Harmony and the wisdom and virtue


The third part summarizes the main content of Comenius' education management thought. It discuss and analysis it respectively from the macro (country), medium (schools) and micro (class), three aspects of the education management thoughts . 第四部分分别从历史意义和现实意义两个方面对其教育管理思想进行了评价;

The fourth part evaluate the education management thoughts respectively from the historical and realistic significance this two aspects .
