六一儿童节英语诗歌:六·一 我们的节日 Our holiday 鲜花 彩旗 漂亮的气球 Flowers and flags beautiful balloon 欢乐着 Laughing 我们幸福的心情 Our happy mood 可我们更愿把 We would like to 我们花朵一样的笑脸 We like flowers smile 编成 Weave 一个巨大的花环 A huge wreath 由全世界儿童 The children of the world 共同举起 Held together 我们一起 We are together 告辞贫困 Bid farewell to poverty 告辞战斗 Bid farewell to the war 告辞卑视 Bid farewell to the discrimination 告辞一切罪恶的凶恶 Farewell to all evil ferocious 在这个蔚蓝色的星球上 In this blue planet 制造出一个地球村的高度文明 To create a high level of civilization of a global village. 我们放飞一群白鸽 We are flying a group of pigeons 在六·一儿童节的早晨 In the children”s day morning 让白鸽 Let the dove 带着我们稚气的宣言 With our naivete Manifesto 飞向世界各地 Fly around the world 飞向将来时空 Fly to the future time 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/04ff86fb5322aaea998fcc22bcd126fff7055d26.html