Zero Divided by Zero Equals One

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Zero Divided by Zero Equals One

Ilija Barukcic

【期刊名称】《应用数学与应用物理(英文)》 【年(),期】2018(6)4

【摘 要】Objective: Accumulating evidence indicates that zero divided by zero is equal to one. Still it is not clear what number theory or algebra is saying about this. Methods: To explore the relationship between the problem of the division of zero by zero and number theory, a systematic approach is used while analyzing the relationship between number theory and independence. Result: The theorems developed in this publication support the thesis that zero divided by zero is equal to one. Furthermore, it was possible to define the law of independence under conditions of number theory and algebra. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that zero divided by zero equals one. 【总页数】18(P836-853)

【关键词】Zero Divided by Zero;Number Theory;Algebra;Independence 【作 者】Ilija Barukcic

【作者单位】Horandstrasse, Jever, Germany 【正文语种】 【中图分类】O1


1.“零”难为“zero”,“zero”亦非“零”——“零”与“zero”的比较与翻译赏析 [J], 郭晓辉

2.一类Lorenz型超混沌系统的Zero-Zero-Hopf分岔及共存吸引子研究 [J], 玉明;陈春涛

3.8.64-11.62 GHz CMOS VCO and divider in a zero-IF 802.11a/b/g WLAN and Bluetooth application [J], 孙瑜;梅年松;陆波;黄煜梅;洪志良

4.“零”难为“zero”,“zero”亦非“零”——“零”与“zero”的比较与翻译赏析 [J], 郭晓辉

5.一类超混沌的Faraday圆盘发电机的Zero-Zero-Hopf分支 [J], 余环宇

