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【期刊名称】《浙江中医药大学学报》 【年(),期】2014(000)007

【摘 要】[目的]对精神萎靡状态进行病因分类,以期更好地阐释中医五种心理紊乱状态之精神萎靡状态的致病原因。[方法]根据精神萎靡状态的主要病因及致病过程,将其病因进行归类总结,从因郁致病及因病致郁两方面进行分类阐述。[结果]总结得出精神萎靡状态的常见病因,因郁致病的精神萎靡状态主要由精神因素所引起,以气机紊乱为基本病变,以思郁、忧郁为主;因病致郁的精神萎靡状态,则是因饮食、劳倦、久病等所伤,由于失治、误治或久治不愈,随病继发的病理状态。[]精神萎靡状态大多隐匿起病,病程较长,不会立即危及到生命,往往严重影响到患者的日常生活和工作,因此,开展关于精神萎靡状态的相关研究具有重要临床意义。%Purpose Analysis of the pathogenesis of drooping spirits state, for a better interpretation to this one of the five TCM psychological chaos states. [Method]According to the main pathogenesis and pathogenic processes, to summarize and classify drooping spirits state from ‘depression leads to disease’ and‘disease brings out

depression’.[Result] Summarize the common pathogenesis of drooping spirits state,‘depression leads to disease’is principal y induced by mental factors, which are mainly classified into contemplate and melancholy, and the basic pathological changes are Qi ’s activity disorder;‘disease brings out depression’mainly caused by irrationality

diets, fatigue, aeipathia, and is emerging after untreated, therapeutic error and stil ness. [Conclusion]Drooping spirits state always onsets of the hidden and has a longer duration. Although it would not immediately endanger the patient's life but often have a serious influence to their daily life and work. Therefore, to carry out the relevant research about the drooping spirits state has an important clinical significance. 【总页数】2(P842-843) 【作 者】刘英杰;丁晓;滕晶;齐向华

【作者单位】山东中医药大学 济南 250014;山东省中医院;山东省中医院;山东省中医院

【正文语种】 【中图分类】R395 【相关文献】

1.从中医脉诊辨治精神萎靡状态病例3 [J], 付军 2.从中医脉诊辨治精神萎靡状态病例3 [J], 滕晶 3.精神萎靡状态从五神异常论治用药浅析 [J], 卢丽萍;滕晶 4.精神萎靡状态病机研究 [J], 吴晓迪;滕晶

5.基于数据挖掘的精神萎靡状态用药规律研究 [J], 张文杰

