2020年6月英语六级:翻译参考译文及点评(汉朝) 翻译原题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2. 汉朝是中国历最重要的朝代之一。汉朝统治期间有很多显著的成就。它最先向其他文化敞开大门,对外贸易兴旺。汉朝开拓的丝绸之路通向了中西亚乃至罗马。各类艺术流派繁荣,涌现了很多文学、历史、哲学巨著。公元100年中国第一部字典编撰完成,9000个字,提供释义并列举不同的写法。其间,科技方面也取得了很大进步,发明了纸张、水钟、日晷(sundials)以及测量地震的仪器。汉朝历经400年,但统治者的腐朽最终导致了它的灭亡。 古有丝绸之路,今有一带一路,中国古代劳动人民曾在世界上作出很多伟大举措,不论是考研英语还是四六级考试的翻译多次涉及到中国文化,本次六级考试作文中的一篇是关于汉朝的成就。下面是这篇翻译的参考译文,供参考。 【附】2020年6月六级翻译(汉朝简介)参考答案 The han dynasty is one of the most significant dynasties in the history of China and it attained lots of remarkable achievements during the reign. The han dynasty is the first in opening its door to other cultures, with the foreign trade prosperous. The Silk Road exploited in han dynasty lead to the central and west part of Asia, even Rome. The schools of art also present a state of flourish, springing up lots of monumental works in literature, history and philosophy. The first dictionary in China was compiled and finished in 100 A.D., which not only contains nine thousand Chinese characters, but also offers paraphrases and examples of different writing skills. Science and technology also made much progress during this period. People invented water clock, sundials and the instruments that can predict the earthquake. The han dynasty witnessed four hundred years and went to doom because of governors’ decadent. 02020年6月大学英语六级考试已经完满结束,综观今年的英语六级考试能够发现,翻译完全在我们的预测范围之内,难度不算大,都是一些基本的常见句型和表达。 【2020年6月大学英语六级考试翻译重点词汇总结】 汉朝 The han dynasty 统治 reign 显著的 remarkable 对外贸易 foreign trade 兴旺 prosperity 开拓 exploit 丝绸之路 the Silk Road 罗马 Rome 艺术流派 schools of art 巨著 monumental work 编撰 compile 释义 paraphrase 水钟 water clock 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/06fd1410fbb069dc5022aaea998fcc22bdd1432c.html