董事长先生: Mr. Chairman. 女士们,先生们: Ladies and gentlemen, 各位圣诞快乐。 Merry Christmas to you all! 我谨代表我们一行的全体成员,感谢董事长先生的盛情邀请,使我们来到装饰的如此华丽的大厅,参加如此欢快的圣诞晚会。 On behalf of all the members of my group, I’d like to thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious invitation for us to attend such an enjoyable Christmas party in such a magnificently decorated hall. 圣诞节是一个十分愉快的节日,这的确是一年中的良辰佳时。圣诞节对于我们所有人都有其吸引人的魅力之处,那就是人间的温暖、爱恋、关怀、团聚、融洽和奉献。这就是圣诞节的精神所在。 Christmas is a very happy and joyous occasion. It is really a wonderful time of the year. There is something in this holiday which appeals to everyone. That is, warmth love, care, union, harmony and dedication of humanity. That is the spirit of the Christmas holiday. 在许多国家,圣诞节是全年的一个亮点。除了礼物之外我们还希望得到一些其他的东西。在所有的欢乐和装饰物的背后,我们希望得到更有意义、更丰富的东西,那就是生活的真谛:快乐、希望、信念。有了信念,我们将无所畏惧地跨入充满挑战和机遇的新的一年。 In many countries of the world, the celebration of Christmas is a high point of the year. We hope for more than presents at Christmas. We feel sure that behind all the fun and decorations, there must somehow be a message, something more---some key to life, such as happiness, hope, and faith. Armed with that faith, we should be able to embark undaunted upon the New Year with all its challenges and chances. 当然,我们也很喜欢这里的美酒佳肴。是的,烤火鸡的味道好极了。音乐也非常优美。要是我会跳舞的话,想必会过得更加快乐。我喜欢这里的一切,而更为重要的是,我喜欢与你们聚会,与你们交谈,增进了解,共度难忘的时光。 Of course, we really enjoy the delicious wine and excellent food served here. Yes, the roast turkey is simply delicious. Also, the music is superb. If I were a better dancer, I could have enjoyed the party more. I like everything here, but more important, I enjoyed meeting and talking to you, getting to know you, and sharing the memorable time together. 对于这次美好的安排,我感激不尽。晚会组织的完美无缺,令人尽兴尽致。我日后一定还会记得这次美好的聚会。 I am deeply grateful to you for this nice arrangement. The party was perfectly organized and I enjoyed every minute of it. I’m sure I will remember this great occasion for many years to come. 就我们融洽的商务关系而言,今年对我们所有人来说都是一个好年度。我们合资企业的销售额显著增长。我希望我们能保持这种务实的合作关系,使明年的业绩更加辉煌。 It has been a great year for all of us in terms of our harmonious business relationship. Our joint venture has had a remarkable sales growth. I hope we will be able to maintain this pragmatic cooperative relationship and make the new year a more fruitful year. 让我们在这年终岁末之际,共同举杯,庆祝这喜庆佳节。 I would like to toast with you to this happy occasion at the end of the year. 我为有幸参加这次精彩的聚会,再次向您深表谢意。我们度过了一个美好的夜晚。 Thank you very much again for this wonderful party. We had a great time. 我再一次祝各位圣诞快乐! Please join me once again in wishing every one of you a merry Christmas. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/08076d80c8d376eeaeaa31aa.html