范文大全 - 让每个人平等地提升自我! 时间为8分钟,小组共四人 。 My View On Minor At College (1)S: 辅修是由高校自行组织,以学分制形式进行课时学习.辅修实习比参加社团更实在.为了在以后的职业中更有竞争力,很多大学生选择修专业课以外的辅修课。 Minor is organized by colleges and universities, which is in the form of a credit system for class learning.A minor in practice is better than joining a club. In order to be more competitive in their future career, many college students choose to work on a minor besides a major. (2) C: 你想选择辅修课程吗?理由是什么? (3)Do you want to choose minor courses?Why? (3) W: 我认为参加辅修课是十分值得的。了解的东西更多,专业知识面更广。选择对主修专业有辅助作用的学科,这样有利于全方位的了解主修专业,就业时,也是个很大的优势。 I think it’s quite rewarding to have a minor on the side. We can understand more and make our professional knowledge more widely.We can choose some subjects that have important role on major disciplines .It may be beneficial to comprehensive understanding of the major and is also a great advantage to obtain employment. (4) D: 我倒是有个建议:你可以选择金融学或法学。选择金融学,可以拿到管理学和经济学双学位,选择法学则可以拿到管理学与法学双学位。财务管理和会计学都是授予管理学学士学位,没必要选它。 I suggest that you can choose Finance or Law.If you choose Finance,you can get hold of double degree including management and economics .If you choice Law,you can get a double major in administration and law.But Financial management and Accounting are awarded bachelor's degree in management,so there is no need to choose that . (5) W: 至于金融学或法学选择哪一个,我的个人建议:如果将来想往银行方面就业,可选择金融学;如果想往注会方向发展,考虑法学。因为经济法本身是注册会计师要考的科目之一,As for the choice of Finance or Law, my advice is that if you want to go to bank in the future,Finance is the best .If you want to be a CPA ,you can consider the Law.Because of the economic law itself is one of the text subjects of CPA. (6) D: 专业地说,辅修课可以是一项巨大的帮助。一个人可能会需要职业生涯的额外训练,辅修课能够提供这样的训练(比如会计)。一个人也可能想通过参加课程和接受企业通常感兴趣的某一领域的培训来提高履历。 Professionally speaking, minors can be a great help. One may need additional training for a career path that a minor can provide (in 1 范文大全 - 让每个人平等地提升自我! something like accounting). One may also want to improve the resume by taking courses and receiving training in a field he/she knows employers are always interested in. (7) C: 我不同意你们的看法。首先,辅修是需要一笔较大的资金的。然后,辅修就需要你花费更多的精力,最主要的是不能耽误现在的课程。 I disagree about that.First of all, it is need to a larger funds in minor.Then, you should spend more energy then usual.the most important is that you can't hold up your major. (8) C: 上课时间多安排在周末和平时的晚上进行。学生主专业的课程已经很多,要兼顾辅修专业比较困难。辅修质量难保证 Many class was arranged in the weekend or night .The main professional course has a lot of classes,it is difficult to combine major with minor. it is difficult to guarantee the quality of Minor. (9) C: 此外,累且需要有足够的精力。期末等待你的可能是十几门课的考试 Moreover it will make you tired and you need more energy.Which is waiting for you in the final may be more than a dozen exam for the course. (10) S: 总之,就未来就业和自我提高来说,辅修课对大学生来说是值得的,利大于弊。 To sum up, a minor for college students is rewarding as far as the factors of future employment and self-improvement are concerned.The benefits outweigh the disadvantages。 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/0df636d8c7da50e2524de518964bcf84b8d52d37.html