英语口语你如何减轻压力 您需要登录后才可以回帖 登录 | 注册 发布 现在生活节奏越来越快,家庭和工作等各方面的压力有时候会压得我们喘不过气来。为了身心健康,很多人尝试用音乐、运动、食物等办法减压,你如何减压呢? 1. I've been really stressed. It's the end of the year and I've got so much stuff to do! I feel like I'm drowning in work. 我近来压力非常大,到年底了,要做的事情很多,我感觉我要溺死在工作里了。 2.The stressis seriously affecting my life! I can't sleep, I don't have much of an appetite and my husband says I've been kind of short tempered. 压力严重影响了我的生活,我睡不着,胃口也不好。我老公说我近来脾气也很急躁。 3. I've tried ginseng, herbal teas ... to deal with my stress, and nothing seems to work. 我试了喝人参和花草茶等来减压,但是似乎都不管用。 4. Tina is a yoga fanatic. She swears it's reduced her stress levels significantly. 蒂娜特别热衷瑜珈,她说做瑜珈帮她大大减轻了压力。 5. When I'm there on my yoga mat, I'm able to tune out the rest of the world. It's such a peaceful feeling. 当我在瑜伽垫上的时候,我就不去想其他事情,感觉特别平静。 6. Relaxing is actually quite difficult. Our brains are so revved up. It's really hard to slow down. 放松其实很难,我们的大脑平时都在加速运转,想松弛下来很难。 7. My husband swears by classical music to relax. 我老公喜欢通过听古典音乐来放松。 8. I've tried meditating a couple times, but I couldn't stop my brain from thinking about work. I can't seem to get in the zone. 我试过通过冥想来减压,但是我总是想起工作,无法进入(冥想)状态。 9. For me, sometimes I just need a good hard workout. I like to put on boxing gloves and hit a punching bag...makes me feel much better! 于我而言,我只要好好锻炼锻炼就能减压。我喜欢戴上拳击手套,打打吊袋,这让我感觉好多了。 10. I saw a news article yesterday that says chocolate helps relieve stress. 我昨天看到一篇新闻,说吃巧克力可以减压。 [英语口语你如何减轻压力]相关文章: 1.职场中如何减轻压力 2.怎样减轻职场压力 3.职场新人该怎么减轻压力呢? 4.减轻工作压力的方法 5.减轻压力的20种方法 6.怎样减轻小升初学生心理压力 7.关于职场男性怎么减轻身上的压力 8.九个方法帮助你减轻职场的压力 9.TAX PAR面面试 来给大家减轻压力 10.如何面对压力 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/10fef14e85868762caaedd3383c4bb4cf6ecb71f.html