剑桥1下 25-26课 星期 天气 汉译英翻译练习(附答案)

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RO1 25课句子练习(1

1.今天星期几? 今天周二。 2. 周四的前一天是周几?是周三。 3. 周一的前一天是周几?是星期天。 4. 一周有几天? 5.一周有七天。 6. 今天是我的生日。 7. 我在周五上英语课。 8. 他在周六下午上钢琴课。 9. 她星期天去公园。

10. 我从星期一到星期五上学。 11. 星期四是你的生日。 12. 今天是星期二。 13. 我们周日吃三明治。 14.他们星期三吃苹果派。 15. 你想在星期一吃奶酪吗?

RO1 26课句子练习(1

1. 今天天气怎么样? 2. 今天下雨。

3. 昨天天气怎么样?昨天天气晴朗。 4. 现在是春天,天气很温暖。 5.现在是夏天,天气很热。 6. 冬天很冷。

7.现在是冬天,冬天很冷。 8. 北京的夏天天气怎么样? 9. 下雨了,我穿雨衣。 10. 天很热,她穿了一条裙子。 11. 天气很冷,他穿了一件外套。 12. 丹东天气怎么样? 多云。 13. 伦敦天气怎么样?多雨。 14. 加拿大冬天天气怎么样?下雪。 15.现在是秋天。天气凉爽。


1. What day is (it) today? Today is Tuesday.

2. What day is the day before Thursday? Its Wednesday. 3. What day is the day before Monday? It’s Sunday. 4. How many days are there in a week? 5. There are seven days in a week. 6. Today is my birthday.

7. I have an English class on Friday.

8. He has a piano class on Saturday afternoon.\ in the afternoon on Saturday. 9. She goes to the park on Sunday.

10. I go to school from Monday to Friday. 11. Thursday is your birthday. 13. We eat sandwiches on Sunday. 14.They eat apple pie on Wednesday.

15. Do you want to eat cheese on Monday? 26

1. What’s the weather like today?\ Hows the weather today? 2. Its rainy today.

3. What was the weather like yesterday? \ How was the weather yesterday? 4. Its spring, its warm. 5. Its summer, its hot. 6. Its cold in winter. 7. Its winter. Its cold.

8. Hows the weather in Beijing in summer? 9. Its raining. I’m wearing a raincoat. 10. Its hot. She is wearing a dress. 11. Its cold. He is wearing a coat.

12. How is the weather in Dandong? Its cloudy. 13. What is the weather like in London? Its rainy.

14. Whats the weather like in Canada in winter? Its snowy. 15. Its fall\ autumn now. Its cool.
