
时间:2022-03-31 07:08:19 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

AExcuse me. Could you tell me the way to the Star Hotel? 不好意思,请问晨星饭店怎么走?

BYes. Go down the main road. You can't miss it. 喔,沿着大路往前走,就可以找到。

AHow long will it take me to get there? 到那里大概要多久?

BIt's only about a five-minute walk. 只要走5分钟左右。 AThank you very much. 非常感谢。 BYou're welcome. 不用客气。

AExcuse me, How do I get to the Grand hotel? 对不起,请问到圆山大饭店怎么走?

B:I am sorry, I didn’t catch what you said. Could you repeat it please? 对不起,我没听懂你说的话,可以请你再说一遍吗? AThe Grand hotel, is it far from here? 圆山大饭店,圆山大饭店离这远吗?

B:Sorry, my English isn’t so good. Could you speak a little slower? 对不起,我的英文不太好,可以请你说慢点吗?

AExcuse me, do you know where the Post Office is?

BYes, it's not very far from here. Follow this road until you get to the traffic lights. You will see a small restaurant at the corner.

AIs the restaurant on the right or on the left hand side of the road?

BIt is on the right. But it is on the other side of the lights. AOK. Do I turn on the lights or do I go straight?

BYou go straight on at the lights, but just past the restaurant building there is a small road to your right. AAnd do I take that road?

BYes, you need to turn right and follow that road for about four minutes. You will see the Post Office on your left.

AIs there a Post Office sign on the building?

BYes and it is quite a big building so you won't miss it. There is also a small supermarket next to it. AThank you very much. BYou're welcome.

