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六大英语时态 一、一般现在时:1)经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态 Eg: I go to school on foot.

(2) 主语的特征、性格、能力、爱好等 Eg: I like watching TV.

(3) 客观真理 Eg: The moon moves round the earth. 其结构按正常语序,即“主语+谓语+其他”。 有时为了起强调作用,时间状语也可提前。 一般现在时的句式变化可分为两种情况: 1一般人称做主语,表示动作变否定句时,须在动词前加助动词don’t变一般疑问句时,须在句首加助动词do. Eg: 肯定句They have lunch at 12. 否定句:They don’t have lunch at 12. 一般疑问句: Do they have lunch at 12. 2第三人称单数作主语,谓语动词变单三;变否定句时,须在动词前加助动词doesn’t; 变一般疑问句时,须在句首

加助动词does Eg: He does morning exercises.He doesn’t do morning exercises.Does he often go to school on foot? 一般现在时的时间状语有on Saturdays, in the morning(afternoon, evening),every day, at weekend, how often及一些频率副词often, usually, always, sometimes, seldom, never 等。

动词变单三规则1. 一般情况下,在动词后直接加-s Eg: works, gets, says, reads 2. s, x, sh, ch, o结尾,加-es Eg: goes, teaches, washes, does

3. 辅音+y” 结尾,变yi,再加-es Eg: fly-flies, study-studies 4. 不规则变化 have-has 二、一般过去时:表示过去某时发生的动作或情况

1)过去某个时间所发生的动作或存在的状态 Eg: He was a worker two years ago.

(2) 过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作 Eg: When I was a student, I often played with my classmates. (3)谈到已故人的情况时多用过去时 Eg: Lu Xun was a great writer.

(4) 有些发生时间不是很清楚(未明确表述)的情况,实际是过去发生的,也应用过去时态 Eg: What did you say?


2e结尾的动词只规则变化两种。其中规则变化有以下几种情况:直接在动词原形末尾加-ed, Eg: work—worked

3末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed Eg: shop -d Eg: arrive-arrived

4以“辅音+y”结尾的动词,先把y变成i, 再加-ed, Eg : study—studied 5 有些动词变过去式是不规则的,shopped

1含有be动词的依然在be上做文章。其句式变化分为两种情况: Eg: He was a teacher. He wasn’t a teacher.

2行为动词的否定形式是在其前加助动词didn’t, 同时把动词变成原形;在一般疑问句中,在 Was he a teacher?

句首加助动词did,同时把动词变成原形。 Eg: I went to school yesterday. I didn’t go to school yesterday. Did you go to school yesterday?


1 yesterday型。 Eg: yesterday morning, yesterday’s party, the day before yesterday 等。 2 last型。 Eg: last week, last month, last year 等。 3 ago型。 Eg: three days ago, two years ago 等。 4 in+过去时间。 Eg: in 1999, in the morning 等。

5 上下文暗示或其他一些特殊的时间状语。 Eg: -- What did he say? -- He said he would fly to Beijing. 三、一般将来时: 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态以及计划、打算做某事。 Eg: He will be here next week.


1 will + 动词原形(will可以用于任何人称)。需要注意的是当主语是第一人称时,will 可以换成shall,

别是在以I we 作主语的问句中,一般用shall Eg: Shall we go boating?

2 be going to + 动词原形

3 现在进行时也可表示将来 Eg: The bus is coming.

第一种结构的句式变化是:变否定句在will后边加not; 变一般疑问句把will 提前。 Eg: We will get to Shanghai in three days. We will not get to Shanghai in three days. Will you get to Shanghai in three days? 第二种结构的句式变化要在be上做文章。

Eg: They are going to have a party. They are not going to have a party. Are they going to have a party? 一般将来时的时间状语有以下几种类型:

1this型。 Eg : this year, this afternoon, this week

2tomorrow型。 Eg : tomorrow morning, tomorrow’s meeting, the day after tomorrow

(3) next 型。 Eg : next month, next week 4in + 一段时间 Eg: in a year, in a week, in an hour 5 上下文暗示型。 6)表示将来时的特殊时间状语。 Eg: from now on, in the future等。


(1) 现在(说话的瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作,强调“此时此刻” Eg: He is reading now. (2) 当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作 Eg: They are working these days. (3) 某些动词的现在进行时,表预定的计划或即将发生的动作 Eg: I am coming. 句式变化: 变否定句在be动词后加not, 变一般疑问句把be动词提前

Eg : She is cleaning the room. She isn’t cleaning the room. Is she cleaning the room? be+现在分词”结构中现在分词的变化规则为:

(1) 一般在动词词尾加上-ing. Eg: jump—jumping (2) 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ing. Eg: write –writing

(3) 以重读闭音节(只有一个元音,元音后只有一个辅音)结尾的词,双写结尾字母,再加-ing. Eg: sit—sitting 现在进行时的时间状语,可归纳为以下几种类型:

(1) now 型。 Eg: now, right now, at this moment, at present (2) 感叹号型。 Eg: Look! Listen! Be quiet!

(3) 上下文暗示型。 Eg: --What is she doing in the park? -- She is watering the flowers. 五、现在完成时表示:

(1) 过去发生或已经完成的动作或存在的状态对现在造成的影响或结果(即它的“完成用法”) Eg : We have just cleaned the classroom.

(2) 过去已经开始,一直持续到现在的动作或状态(即它的“未完成用法”)。注意:此时动词可能还要继续

常与forsince引导的时间状语(从句)连用。用how long提问,谓语动词用延续性动词 for+ 时间段 Eg: I lived here for about ten years.

since + 时间点 Eg: We have been very busy since 5 years ago.

since + 从句(一般过去时) Eg: I have learnt English since I was 5 years old.


begin(start)be on go therebe there come backbe back come herebe here openbe open closebe closed diebe dead marrybe married finishbe over go to bed be in bed leavebe away returnbe back get outbe out fall asleepbe asleep losebe lost fall illbe ill borrowkeep put onwear/be on becomebe get to knowknow buyhave(own) receivehave catch a coldhave a cold go to sleepsleep Eg: He has bought the computer for two years.() He has had the computer for two years.

现在完成时的结构是“have/has+过去分词”。过去分词的变化分规则与不规则两种。规则变化与过去式相同,不规则变化需另记。 它的否定句是在have/has 后加not ,变一般疑问句是把have/has提前。

Eg: I have bought a computer. I have not bought a computer. Have you bought a computer? 现在完成时的时间状语通常为already, just, yet, ever, never, before等。” 六、过去进行时


1 过去某一时刻正在进行或发生的动作。 Eg: They were playing football at ten o’clock yesterday morning. 2 过去某阶段持续进行的动作。 Eg: We were reading books during the holiday? 另外,在复合句中,若主要动作和背景动作是同时发生的,那么主从句都可用过去进行时 Eg: Jenny was reading while Danny was writing.

过去进行时结构是be动词的过去形式was/were+v-ing, 其句式变化仍然要体现在be上。

Eg: We were having an English lesson in class. We weren’t having an English lesson in class.

Were you having an English lesson in class?

过去进行时常与过去某一特定时间的状语连用。at four o’clock last night, at that time, just then, at noon yesterday, this time last Sunday, that time yesterday等。

Eg: What were you doing at nine last night?

有时也没有明显的时间状语,要通过上下文的暗示来确定是否用过去进行时。 Eg: The students all worked hard. Everyone knew what he was working for.
