
时间:2022-04-28 19:01:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
The Journey to Gu Langyu

Gu Langyu is a famous island which has golden beaches, blue sea and blue sky.This journey eacited me who had never been to the seaside before.Now I share my excitment with you.

First, we took a boat to Gu Langyu.There were a great number of people and they were all visitors. We walked along the street whose end is the top of Gu Langyu. Both sides of the street are stores that sells hats, maps and typical snacks(小吃). Although we were very tired, we climbed up to the top. We could see the whole Gu Langyu form here. The wind is so strong here that nearly blew my hat away. But its very cool. Then we come to the sculpture of Zheng Chenggong who defeated Dutchman and stopped Taiwan from ruling by them. He was a national hero. The sculpture is 15.7 metres high. Its very great. Finally, we walked on the beach whose sand was so small and soft. The sea water was very cool and our feet were made to be very comfortable. It was so wonderful that I didnt want to leave it.

This was my journey to Gu Langyu. Do you think it was interesting? To see is to believe. Why dont you go to visit Gu Langyu?

If I am a Cloud

If I am a cloud, I will fly to the Great Wall to see this great wooder. I will fly along the Great wall and enjoy the view. If I am a cloud, I will fly to London to see Olympic Games. I will remember our Chinese sporters who are the best in the world. I will give my wishes to them. If I am a cloud,I will fly to Egypt to see the huge pyramids that is one of the most famous wonders in the world. I will never forget it.

If I am a cloud, I will fly to the driest place in the world. I will become rainand wet the ground, the flowers, the grass and give the rare water to the dying people because of no water. Even if I will be disappear and I will never be in the world. I wont change my mind. Because its my duty. If I am a cloud, I will be a good cloud.

Geniusly(天才的) Swimmer——Ye Shiwen

Ye Shiwen, a sixteen-year-old girl, become the youngest Chinese swimming champion(冠军) who has two Olympic gold medals. She is a hero, a Chinese hero!

Ye Shiwen was born on March 1st in 1996. She is 1.72 metres tall and her weight is 64 kg. In London, as the saying goesIt never rains but it pours. Ye Shiwen won her first gold medal in the 400-metre medley on the first day and her result hit the world record. How great she was! Although she is only 16 years old, she was a great shock to the world. Several days later, Ye Shiwen created the wonders again. She won the gold medal of 200-metre medly and hit the Olympic record twice. She is so great that everyone was shocked and we hardly believed our eyes. No one could do it before, but she did. She is a hero who is a once-in-all-history event. While we were cheering for her, we were also proud of her. We will remember her forever.

Swimming Star ——Sun Yang

Sun Yang is a great swimmer who has got two gold medals, one silver medal and one bronze medal in the Olympic Games. He created the wonder of the Chinese people.

On the first day of Olympic Games, Sun Yang won the gold of the 400-metre freestyle. I sat beside the TV and clapped for him happily. He was so fevered(激动的)that he shouted loudly. He have looked forward to this gold medal for a long time. At that moment, he was the happiest

people in the world. Then in the 200-metre freestyle competition, he got a silver gold. In the 4×200 metres freestyle relay(接力赛)he and his teammates won the bronze medal because of Suns hard work. Its the first time for Chinese to get a medal in this competition. Sun Yang is a once-in-all-history event. Later, the 1500-metre freestyle competition began. Sun Yang first starting and disobeyed the rules because of audiences noise. I was very nervous, because Sun Yang may be not allowed to continue the competition. Luckily, everything is OK. Sun Yang stood on the starting line again. He was leading all the time. Theres no doubt that he was champion and hit the world record which was written by himself in 2010. He cried. Do you know that he swims twenty thousand metres everyday? It was not a normal person that can do it. Sun Yang is a wonder and a hero. He is the best forever!

Air Liu Xiang(飞人刘翔)

Liu Xiang, Chinese first flier, is a giant(巨人) that stands in the world. He created Chinese wonders. In my heart, he is really a hero.

Since the beginning of the Olympic Games, I had looked forward to Liu Xiangs bahavour. But at 17:10 on August 7th, Liu Xiang was not even able to run across the first hurdle and he fell to the ground. At once, I was very frightened. How terrible it was! His foot was hurt again, just like the Beijing Olympic Games. Chineses hearts was broken, so was I. Liu sat on the ground for a moment because of the ache of foot. Then he jumped with on foot toleave the turn. Everything was over. But he returned! Liu Xiang used one foot to jumped along the 110-metre hurdlings turn. All of the audience were surprised and quiet to see that he finished the competition. Liu came to the last hurdle and kissed it which belonged to his last hurdle. Everyone was very sad and moved, because a great sportsman who may get the gold medal losed the chance in the Olympic Games at the second time. Eight yearshard work was nothing. Audience all clapped and cheered for him again and again. Many people were tearful basides me.

Liu Xiang, although you didnt get the gold madal, you are still the champion. Your spirit() will be in my heart forever. Air Liu Xiang! Chinese hero!

My Hometown

My hometown is a small village that lies in the mountains. It is very beautifui and attractive. In the morning, there is white fog that hides mountains. It seemed that we are in the heaven. It is very wonderful. Then the sun rises and the fog clears. But it is still very cool, I think it is better than a room with a air-conditioning. There are cool breezes(微风) green tress, green grass and green mountains are in your sight. White clouds and blue sky in your sight. You can hear birds and rivers singing but no bus or factory. My hometown is perfect. In the evening, there is a beautifui sunset. Golden sunshine is on everything.Its very nice. Then you can see many bright stars and the bright moon in the black sky.

This is my hometown. I like my hometown and I am proud of it.

Charitable Donations

Are you a kind man? Do you like helping others? Then you can send your money to the people who need help.

While you are having delicious food, maybe hundreds of people is dying bacause of hunger(饿). While you are drinking coke or juice, maybe lots of people is dying because of thirstiness.

While you are putting on beautiful clothes, maybe plenty of people are dying because of coldness. While you are studying in the classroom which is modern with new chairs and desks , maybe some students are standing in a poor house that has no roof, windows or door. Their chairsare stones, their desks are also stones. They only have one teacher or two. How poor they are!

Are you moved? What will you do? I suggest that you raise your pocket money for them. Use your kindness to save others lives. You are great!
