
时间:2022-04-28 19:01:24 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
开头1Giant leaps of the Internet industry have set the stage for the mushrooming which is gaining growing popularity for the past year or two. According to one recent survey conducted( by ..... 2.For the past year or two, folks [fəuk n. 民族;人们;亲属(复数)adj. 民间的have begun to attach growing importance to the form of things, especially its outward appearance.

3.During recent years, the topic of a green campus, which has aroused wide public attention, is

becoming increasingly popular. Undoubtedly, a pollution-free campus ,the indispensable indis'pensəbl] adj. 不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的n. 不可缺少之物;必不可少的人part for the advancement of college students, has profound impact on both individuals and society. 4.While this problem is in its infancy, it does deserve our urgent attention.

5. It is no exaggeration to say that college ranking has gained considerable public concern currently. 6.. According to one recent report conducted.....

原因解释1Probing into this undesirable trend ,we can identify that a couple of driving forces at work, of which the single most important one roots in our inadequate emphasis .As far as the students are concerned

2.The prevailing [pri'veiliŋ, adj. 流行的;一般的,最普通的;占优势的v. 盛行,流行trend rests with a couple of factors, l would argue. On the one hand , on the other hand

建议措施类 1.To bring green campus to its full play, effective measures should be taken.

2.Only by the co-efforts of the whole society could green campus work smoothly and bring benefit to people's well-beings.

3.Prompt and concrete moves are supposed to be taken in an efforts to cure this unfavorable situation. 4.Only in this way can the prospect ['prɔspekt vt. 勘探,勘察 n前途;预期;景色of shrinking the spelling mistakes in essays be brighter.

5.The unfavorable adj. 不宜的;令人不快的;不顺利的[ʌn'fevrəbl tide of excessive packaging has fed negatively into us. To be more specific, it not only triggers unnecessary waste of finite resources and environmental pollution but also pushes products prices up. Therefore ,in an attempt to reverse this unhealthy trend before it goes so far, we should cry out for prompt measures ,All sides involved in this burning issue must enact corresponding tough regulations to curb over-packaging and lunch

nation-wide campaigns to hammer home the dark sides of it. L harbor a sincere hope that we can bring down the certain on ever -packaging through our coordinated efforts.

6.Admittedly ,whether a simple certificate can truly reflect one's real capability is widely questionable. Simple put, we should keep a clear head when it comes to the certificate craze.

7.Only by doing so can we stand a much better chance of staying ahead in this brutally competitive society.

8.From my own perspective ,the rewards of Internet-based shopping outweigh its risks,. Simply stated, we are supposed to make full use of its virtues to serve our purposes and do all in our power to minimize its adverse impacts on us meanwhile

利弊分析类Undoubtedly ,Internet shopping enjoys a host of benefits. For one thing,...for another ... However, for all the various strengths of Internet-based shopping, the dark sides of it also exist, Take a concrete example.
