宜昌 给位朋友,今天我有幸来到这里,做一次演讲。我想让各位更进一步了解这个与我们息息相关的地方,没错,我今天想讲讲宜昌,他的过去,现在,以及将来。 这就是我的家乡,宜昌市,地处湖北省西部,位于长江中上游的交接处,被誉为三峡的门户,湖北省和重庆市两地的节点。 宜昌历史悠久,它丰富的文化和历史具有2400多年,是巴,楚文化的发祥地。在祖先时代世界历史名人屈原的故里,屈原是一位伟大的诗人,而如今,中国的端午节就是为了纪念屈原,所以,每当中国人享受3天的端午节假期时,是应该感谢宜昌这座城市的。 而在二战时期,日本侵华,正是在宜昌的石牌,中国军队抵御了日本军队最关键的进攻,从而保卫了全中国,这里,又被称为东方斯大林格勒保卫战。 现在,宜昌拥有了葛洲坝和三峡大坝两座水电工程,这两座大坝让宜昌成为世界级的水电之都。有些人可能不知道,宜昌曾经被视为“三峡省”有用很高的行政级别。所以我们为自己是宜昌人感到骄傲和自豪。 宜昌已成为长江区域性中心城市和湖北省级副中心城市,未来宜昌将会快速发展。宜昌政府已经为宜昌制定了未来20年的发展规划,会让宜昌成为一座既大又强,特优特美的后现代明星之城。宜昌注定拥有一个光明的未来 看见了吧,这里到处都是迷人的事物,爱上他,用心去感受它! YiChang Good afternoon, friends, I am very glad to make a speech here,I hope everyone can know more about the place which closely related to ’s right I want to talk about Yichang ,talk about the past ,present and future of my hometown. Yichang used to be called "Yiling" in the ancient times, has been renown as "the gateway to the Three Gorges at the joint of Chongqing municipality and Hubei Province"where the point of upstream and middlestream of Yangtze river. Yichang, rich in culture and with a history of more than 2400 years,is the birthplace 1 of the ba and chu Cultures as well as the hometown of Qu Yuan is a well-known Chinese ’s Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate this hero poet. I think every Chinese people should be greatful for Yichang when they enjoyed 3 days holiday. In the 2nd world war,at ShiPai village Yichang army won a so important battle that can be regarded as a turning point of Chinese this battle was name as” The east battle of defending Stalingrad” At present we have built the biggest hydropower project here,named Three Gorges from the lower reaches of this dam is another world-class hydropower station,GeZhou two dams make Yichang the world famous hydropower city. By the way,Yichang once be regared as “Three Gorges Province”enjoyed high administrative we should be very proud that I am a Yichang man。 Yichang has become a regional central city in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and a provincial sub-central city,so Yichang will be bound to develop rapidly,and finally will become a pearl of Yangtze can’t miss that! 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/1802db984493daef5ef7ba0d4a7302768f996f42.html