学分数: 2学分

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全方位領導 (The 360o Leadership)

學分數: 2學分

課本: The 360o Leader by John C. Maxwell, Thomas Nelson, Inc.

輔助讀物: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni, Jossey-Bass (A Wiley Company) 評分方式:

課堂/小組/個案 出席和參與 25% 個案製作與呈現 25% 自我/同儕評量 25%

期終考試 25 % (其中聽力佔50% 讀法佔40%,寫作佔10%) 課程目標:

同學於修習本課程後,期待以下事項 (1) 改進其英語聽、說及交談能力 (2) 得以藉英語呈現個案 (3) 瞭解基本的領導原則

由教師闡明全方位領導的原則且以聖經觀點檢視各項領導原則而後藉助教TA (1位助教對8位學生之比例)帶動討論; 課程以全英語方式進行

: TA來自美國各大學之大學部學生或畢業生其母語為英文者; 其所屬學校為Rutgers University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Rochester, Cornell University, Boston College, University of Kansas, The George Washington University, New York University等。


[Chung Yuan Christian University]

[May 7, 2014]

全方位領導 (The 360o Leadership)

上午為全方位領導與法則的探討,下午為將聖經領導原則應用於商業及社會之個案剖析 日期 (7/1-7/4, 7/7-7/11) Tuesday Afternoon

Wednesday Thursday Friday

Friday night & Saturday

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


開業典禮、領袖的培育(3 hrs) 全方位的領袖(5.5 hrs) 領導法則的迷思(5.5 hrs) 全方位領導的特質和優勢(5.5 hrs) Friends Night (自由參加) 領導法則的挑戰(1)(5.5 hrs) 領導法則的挑戰(2)(5.5 hrs)

全方位領袖向上領導法則(1) (5.5 hrs)

全方位領袖向上領導法則(2)及個案分組成發 (5.5 hrs) 考試,成發,及結業典禮(6 hrs)

Thursday Night & Saturday 福音Party (自由參加)

: 課程為期每天早上2.5小時,下午2.5小時講授輔以助教(TA)以18方式帶領學員分組討; 全程(37.5 hr)以英文進行。學員若參加(自願性的)福音特會將獲額外10小時(4次,每次2.5 hr)的英語訓練。


Elaine Kung (雷漢卿)

[Chung Yuan Christian University]

[May 7, 2014]

全方位領導 (The 360o Leadership)

Director, Fiber Broadband Services AT&T Corporation, Dallas, TX, USA

Mrs. Kung has extensive Professional Accomplishments, passionate Community Services and Leadership, her exemplary Character and Actions that speak loudly and proudly on behalf of AT&T. Elaine has also received numerous recognitions both within and outside AT&T. In addition to AT&T’s annual performance awards over the years, Elaine received such external awards as “Career Achievement Industry Award” by WOC (Women of Color) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), “Successful Women in Business Award” by AT&T Solutions and Citi Group, “Most On-Fire Manager Award” by Northeast Christians At Work.

AT&T Corporation: 242,000 employees, market value USD $200. B, #24 Global 2000 company (Forbes 富士比)


Cornell University: B.S. dual major Electrical & Materials Science Engineering Princeton University: M.S. in Electrical Engineering

Executive Education: e.g. Columbia (sales management), Cornell (mini-MBA), Wharton

(product management), AT&T Leadership Development Program, Society Of Learning, etc.

Philip C. Liu (劉志超博士)

Director of Module Protection,

[Chung Yuan Christian University]

[May 7, 2014]

全方位領導 (The 360o Leadership)

OptiSolar Inc, Hayward, CA, USA

Dr. Liu has 18 years of experience in solar energy, semiconductor, electronic packaging and thin film head industries; Experience as a manager & team leader with knowledge of applied statistics, DOE, SAS, SQL, JMP and with training of leadership excellence program and project management. He holds three patents in USA.


Ph.D. in Polymer Science (Chemistry), Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA. M.S. in Polymer Science, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA. B.S. in Chemistry, National Tsing Hua Univ., Hshing-Chu, Taiwan.

高天圓Tien-yuan Kao


中壢市新中二街59-11 03-433-5576

[Chung Yuan Christian University] [May 7, 2014]

全方位領導 (The 360o Leadership)

2004-Present中原大學通識中心兼任助理教授 & 主任牧師, 中壢校區基督教會 2001-2004 Pastor of Jersey City Community Church & Rutgers Church, NJ, USA 1998-2001 Master of Divinity, Biblical Theological Seminary, PA, USA

1989-1998 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Industrial Technology, Kean Univ. NJ, USA 1985-1989 Ph.D. Interdiciplinary, Rutgers University, NJ, USA

1983-1985 M.S. in Industrial & System Engineering, Rutgers University, NJ, USA 1981-1983 中國精密壓鑄公司,生產管理主任 1979-1981 陸軍預官役畢 1975-1979 中原工業工程畢業

[Chung Yuan Christian University] [May 7, 2014]
