Vocabulary of Contract Law 1. Introduction to Contract 1. Contract:合同 2. Signature: 签名 3. Loan:贷款 4. Guarantee: 保证书 5. Liable: 有义务的、应负责的 6 Debt:债务 7 Default:不履行、拖欠 8. Promise:诺言、许诺 9. Remedy:赔偿、补救 10. Duty:责任 11. Offer and Acceptance:要约和承诺 12. Violate:违犯、违反 13. Breach:违背、违反 14. Consideration:对价 15. Subject Matter:标的 16. Performance:履行 17. Ownership:所有权 18. Real property:不动产 19. Partnership:合伙 20. Corporation:公司 21 Executory Contract:未履行合同 22 Executed Contract:已履行合同 23. Express Contract:明示合同 24. Implied-in-fact Contracts:默示合同 25. Valid, Void and Voidable Contracts:有效、无效和可撤销合同 26. Legality:合法性、正当性 27. Fraud:欺诈 28. Misrepresentation: 错误表述 29. Duress:胁迫 2. Formation of Contract 1. Offer: 要约 2. Terms: 条件 3. Article: 条款、物品 4. Offerer: 要约人 1 5. Offeree: 受要约人 6. Firm: 公司、商号 7. Commitment: 托付、承担义务 8. Binding of offer: 要约的约束力 9. Revocation of offer: 要约的撤销 10. Contract is concluded: 合同成立 11. Revoke: 撤销 12. Dispatch:派遣,发出 13. Irrevocable: 不可撤销的 14. Termination of offer: 要约终止 15. Invitation offer: 要约邀请 16. Counteroffer: 反要约 17. Acceptance: 承诺 18. Legal systems: 法系 19. Common law: 普通法 20. Mailbox rule: 投邮主义 21. Receipt rule: 到达主义 22. Consideration: 对价 23. Civil law: 民法 24. Detriment: 损害 3. Obligations of Seller and the Buyer 1. Delivery of the goods: 货物交付 2. Constructive delivery: 推定交付 3. The Turning Over of Documents: 移交文件 4. Claim damages: 要求损害赔偿 5. Third party: 第三人 6. Industrial property: 工业产权 7. Intellectual property: 知识产权 8. Net weight: 净重 9. Taking Delivery: 接收交付(的货物) 10. Excuses for Non-performance: 未履行的免责事由 11. Impediment: 阻碍、障碍 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/1bf4a0a1a3116c175f0e7cd184254b35eefd1a0b.html