my online learning life ladies and gentleman, After a period of online learning life, our study gradually get on the right track. Online learning is becoming more and more accepted. At the beginning, no matter the students or the teachers, most of them are resistant to online classes. Because the teachers have a hard time operating the advanced broadcasting equipment, and the students don't want to waste the rest of their time at home to go to the Internet class. In addition, the network platform's technical loophole also makes the teaching work cannot carry on orderly.But over time, attitudes towards online learning have changed. Because everyone is used to this kind of teaching and learning.In spite of this, online learning still has many disadvantages to us. The imperfect platform technology makes the teaching work appear some obstacles, the long time online learning makes our eyesight decline rapidly, some practical exercises can not be completed on the computer and so on... So we are still looking forward to the bright day when all the students can sit in the classroom and have a normal study life.All say “never forget, there will be an echo”.Let's look forward to it. 本文来源: