10种你在中国吃不到的中国菜 英语轻松阅读

时间:2023-02-16 09:05:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


It's true that much of what we eat here can, at least, be traced back to China somehow, but many dishes, ingredients and preparations took on a life of their own once on our shores. Here are a few of those dishes that don't quite translate.

确实,很多我们在这里吃到的菜都能追溯到中国,但这些菜到了美国,在配料和烹饪方面都已经本土化了。请看下面几道经典菜式。 General Tso's Chicken 左宗棠鸡

Nowadays, this sweet and spicy fried chicken dish is perhaps the most quintessential of American Chinese food offerings. Though it can trace some roots to the cooking of Hunan, the version Americans know and love was invented in 1970s New York, according to Salon.

现在,这道甜辣炸鸡菜可谓是最典型的美式中国菜了。尽管它和湖南菜貌似很有渊源,但Salon报道,美国人眼里最爱的左宗棠鸡是上世纪70年代在纽约创制的。 Crab Wontons (aka Crab Rangoon) 蟹黄馄炖(又名蟹仰光

The fact that these fried dumplings, stuffed with cream cheese and crab, are named after a former capital of Burma (now Myanmar) should raise a few red flags. But, as Eater points out, almost all Chinese people are lactose intolerant. So, this is not their invention. 这款炸饺的馅料是乳酪和蟹黄,仰光得名于缅甸前首都,不过这道菜存有争议。但Eater网站指出,大部分中国人都不喜欢乳糖。所以这貌似并不是原创中国菜吧。 Fortune Cookies 福饼

The exact origin of the fortune cookie is debated, but it's agreed that it was invented in San Francisco or Los Angeles in the late 19th or early 20th century. According to OMG

Facts, they are marketed in China as "genuine American fortune cookies."

福饼确切起源尚有争议,但毫无疑问的是,它是19世纪末20世纪初在旧金山或洛杉矶创制的。据OMG报道,福饼在中国被认为是货真价实的美国食物 Duck Sauce 鸭酱

This curiously named sauce (sometimes called plum sauce) is made with dried Turkish apricots, which is not a fruit typically seen in Chinese cuisine, says NBC News.

NBC新闻上说,这个名字奇怪的调味酱(有时也叫梅子酱是用土耳其干杏做成的,而土耳其干杏在中国菜中根本就很少见。 Chop Suey 杂烩菜

Before there was General Tso's, Chop Suey was the shining star of Chinese restaurants Stateside. According to the History Channel, the dish can be traced to California during the Gold Rush days, when the dish was said to have been invented by enterprising

Chinese restaurateurs to satisfy a bunch of drunken miners. The chefs scraped together leftovers, doused them in soy sauce, and presented it as “shap sui” (meaning “mixed pieces” or “odds and ends” in Cantonese). Chop suey houses soon become ubiquitous across the country.

除了左宗棠鸡,杂烩菜在美国的中餐馆也相当有名。据历史频道报道,这道菜早在淘金热时代就出现在加利福尼亚州了,据说当时为了招待醉酒矿工们,一些有创意的餐馆老板因此创制了这道菜。烧菜师傅把剩菜搅和在一起,再浇上酱汁,并美其名曰杂烩。自此,杂烩餐馆很快就在全美国流行开来。 Egg Rolls 鸡蛋卷

In China, spring rolls are small with a thin, delicate wrapper. In American hands, they are significantly larger with a thick wrapper. Both the internet encyclopedia and NBC agree: not Chinese.

中国的地道春卷皮薄个小,而美国的鸡蛋卷却皮厚个大。因此,网络百科和NBC都认为这并不是中国菜。 Sweet And Sour Pork 咕噜肉

A version of sweet and sour sauce is used in China, though mostly with fish or seafood instead of meat, says GB Times. But, over there it's less sweet and less "glue-like." (And probably not neon pink.)

GB Times报道,中国虽然也用类似的糖醋酱汁,但主料却大多是鱼和海鲜而非猪肉。且中国的咕噜肉并不是特别甜特别黏,而且色泽也没那么亮艳。 Beef With Broccoli 牛肉炒西兰花
