龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn 英国人“临终遗愿”:登长城列第四 作者: 来源:《时代英语·高一》2013年第04期 Seeing the seven wonders of the world, going on safari in Africa and swimming with dolphins are among the list of 50 things the average person wants to do before they die. But sadly researchers have found that most adults will only ever fulfill five of their lifelong ambitions. Many feel they do not have enough time to tick off the experiences, while others admit to not being fit or adventurous enough or being too afraid of getting hurt. Becoming a millionaire, traveling the world, seeing the Northern Lights, trekking the Great Wall of China and being mortgage free are the top five respectively on the checklist of dreams. Among the other less surprising entries are writing a novel, learning to speak another language, visiting the Egyptian pyramids and running a marathon. But ambitions that might fairly be considered less universal also feature, including travelling around New Zealand in a Winnebago motor home, inventing something that changes people’s lives, riding a Segway scooter and going to Harry Potter World in Florida. Other wishes range from gambling in Las Vegas, driving down Route 66 in the United States and visiting Disneyland to meeting the Queen, learning to fly a helicopter and emigrating. 英国媒体最新发布了普通人“临终前最想做的50件事”调查榜单,观赏世界七大奇迹、去非洲狩猎旅行,以及与海豚一起游泳均榜上有名。 不过,遗憾的是,调查人员发现大多数成年人仅仅会实现其毕生愿望中的五个。 许多人觉得自己没时间进行这些体验,也有些人承认要么身体不适要么不善冒险,还有的人担心会受伤。 在这份“临终遗愿清单”上位居前五位的分别是:成为百万富翁、进行环球旅行、观赏北极光、爬上中国的万里长城以及还清房贷。 其他不太意外的选项有:写一部小说、学一门外语、参观埃及金字塔,以及参加马拉松赛跑。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/209f089658f5f61fb73666c3.html