
时间:2023-04-23 22:04:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

The image shows two pie charts representing the trend of expenses for the average family in China. The pie charts pare proportions of expenditure in xx with xx for travelling, education, car ownership, food & clothing, housing and online munications.

The largest increase between xx and xx has been for education, were costs have risen significantly (20%). It is interesting to note that the expenditure on housing in xx is now equal to the expenditure on education in xx, which could indicate a significant change in priorities for Chinese families. Conversely, it could indicate that education in xx is now significantly more expensive than it was in xx.外国名人英文文章

However, these increases are tempered by the reduction in expenditure on clothes & food (now only 5% where previously it was 25%) and housing.外国名人英文文章外国名人英文文章

Perhaps the most surprising increase has been in the use of online munications, which indicates the average Chinese family has moved to adopting new technology. It is interesting to note that the family has increased

expenditure on travel and cars, which suggests that Chinese people are more mobile and independent than in xx.

These statistical charts clearly show that family priorities have changed in the past 8 years and that the role of the Inter and education will have a significant effect on future generations.
