充满忧伤的清明_清明节英语作文带翻译 我怀着沉重的心情坐上车,躲在车上阴暗又不易被发现的角落里,偷偷地落泪。脑袋像灌了铅似的,仿佛有千斤重,怎么也抬不起来。车上的亲人都一个个一言不发,从眼神中流露出来无比的伤心,由其是外婆,一直叹着气,眼角湿湿的。 I sit in the car with a heavy heart, hide in the dark corner of the car, and cry secretly. The head looks like it's filled with lead, as if it's heavy enough to lift. All the relatives in the car said nothing one by one, and their eyes showed great sadness. They were grandma, sighing all the time, and their eyes were wet. 到了外太婆墓前的时候,所有人都泣不成声。一直在眼角里打转儿的泪水一下子流了出来。我脑海里浮现出一幅幅温馨的画面:外太婆还健在的时候,我还只有三四岁,是一个贪玩又爱吃的可爱胖小孩。我总是要求外太婆给我做好吃的,她每次都答应我的要求,在我大口吞吃的时候,她用慈祥的目光注视着我。她还常常带我去玩,给我买玩具等。可是两年后,可怕的一天降临了,外太婆躺在床上,不停地咳嗽,刚从幼儿园回来的我被此场景吓坏了,连忙问妈妈:”怎么了?”妈妈一边抽泣一边说:”外太婆要离开我们了!”我一下子扑到床上,嚎啕大哭起来,可是,外太婆还是离开了我们。 When I arrived at the tomb of my mother-in-law, everyone broke down in tears. All of a sudden, the tears that had been swirling around the corner of his eyes came out. I have a warm picture in my mind: I was only three or four years old when my grandmother was still alive, and I was a cute fat child who liked to play and eat. I always ask my grandmother to make me delicious food. She always agrees to my request. When I devour it, she looks at me kindly. She often takes me to play, buys me toys and so on. But two years later, a terrible day came. My grandmother was lying in bed, coughing constantly. I was scared by the scene when I just came back from kindergarten. I asked my mother, “what's the matter?” Mother sobbed and said, “grandma is leaving us!” I threw myself on the bed and started to cry, but the grandmother left us. 这时下起了小雨,打在我们的衣服上。”清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”只有失去了,才知到她的可贵之处! Then it began to rain and hit our clothes. “It rained in succession during the Qingming Festival, and passers-by wanted to break their souls.” Only lost, only then knew her valuable place! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/26db415d0b12a21614791711cc7931b764ce7b73.html