清明寻春_围绕清明节的英语作文带翻译 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。一听到这首杜牧的诗,就让我想起了清明节。 A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way. Hearing this poem of Du Mu reminds me of Qingming Festival. 说到清明节的习俗,历史最悠久的就要数扫墓了。这天,我和亲戚们一起来到了安息堂。安息堂很大,让人没有一丝恐惧。走上台阶,一眼望去,一楼有许多房间。我一言不发,跟着大人默默走进其中的一间。我的目光不断在放骨灰盒的架子上盘旋着。找到了,爷爷的照片!他微微笑着,好像在高兴我们来看他了。接着,我们来给爷爷烧纸钱,我也参加了进来,心想:爷爷,这是我们的一点心意,你要收好。我一定会用好成绩来报答你的,不辜负你的期盼。那烧进去的纸钱像白蝴蝶一样,翩翩向天堂飞去,带着每个人的祝福飞去。离开了安息堂,我们来到了我的老家------陶中房。 When it comes to the custom of Qingming Festival, the oldest one is tomb sweeping. That day, I came to the Sabbath hall with my relatives. The Sabbath is very large and there is no fear. Walking up the steps, at a glance, there are many rooms on the first floor. Without a word, I followed the adult into one of them. My eyes kept circling on the shelf of the urn. Got it, Grandpa's picture! He smiled as if he was glad we had come to see him. Then, we came to burn paper money for Grandpa, and I also joined in, thinking: Grandpa, this is a little of our mind, you have to put it away. I will repay you with my good grades and live up to your expectations. The burnt paper money, like a white butterfly, flies to heaven with everyone's blessing. After leaving the sabbath, we came to my hometown, taozhongfang. 来陶中房干什么?当然是踏青啦!那里有大片大片的菜地,许多娇艳的花儿。走在乡间的小路上,一路上被花儿包围着,还有许多蝴蝶围绕着花儿飞舞,真是一幅生机勃勃的春景图。一路走过去,有野花、油菜花、蝴蝶兰……还有一些叫不出名字的花花草草。正当我陶醉在着迷人的花世界中,妈妈的喊声把我吸引过去了。我走过去一看,原来是一团团的棉花呀!我轻轻的采下一朵棉花,哇,这还是我第一次摸到棉花呢!真让我大开眼界。放眼望去,大片大片金黄色的油菜花,美不胜收。闻一闻,有一股芳香扑鼻而来。再闻一闻地上的野花,香味纯净疏淡,还带着泥土的芳香。 What are you doing in taozhongfang? Of course, it's outing! There are large areas of vegetable fields and many beautiful flowers. Walking on the country road, surrounded by flowers all the way, there are many butterflies flying around the flowers, which is really a vibrant spring landscape. All the way, there are wildflowers, rape flowers, Phalaenopsis There are some flowers and grass that can't be named. Just as I was intoxicated in the charming flower world, my mother's shouting attracted me to the past. I went over to have a look. It turned out to be a bunch of cotton! I gently picked a cotton, wow, this is the first time I touch cotton! It really opened my eyes. Looking forward, a large area of golden rape flowers, beautiful. When I smell it, there is a fragrance coming from my nose. Smell the wild flowers on the ground again. The fragrance is pure and light, with the fragrance of soil. 该回家了,我们告别了田野,告别了村民。清明真是一个神圣而又难忘的日子。 It's time to go home. We said goodbye to the fields and villagers. Qingming is a holy and unforgettable day. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/86555cba7d192279168884868762caaedd33bae3.html