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戈洛博翻译 - 英语词汇库


(城市 Town/City

1.General Terms 一般词汇: city/centre of population 城市/城;capital 首都/首府;municipality 直辖市/自治市;metropolis 大都市;centre 市中心(美作:centershopping centre/downtown 商业区;municipality 市政当局;municipal 市的/市政的;district 区;residential area 居区/住宅区;urban 市区的;suburb 近郊区;outskirt 郊区;slums/shantytown 贫民窟/民区;town 镇;village 村;hamlet 小村;hole/dump 狭小破旧的住房;locality 所在地;Chinese quarter/China Town 唐人街;extension 范围/扩展;house 房子/住宅;auditorium 礼堂/会堂;chancery 办公楼;embassy premises使馆建筑;building 楼房/建筑物;skyscraper 摩天楼;one-storey house/bungalow平房;apartments/apartment house/flat公寓;condominium出售公寓房;villa别墅;summer house避暑别墅;beach house 海滨别墅;beach shack 海滩茅屋;foreign-style house 洋房;garden house花园洋房;quonset hut 活动房屋;mobile house 可移动房屋;wooden hut 木屋;stone hut石屋;lake dwelling tatami house quadrangle dwellings/courtyard dwellings 四合院;department store 百货商店/百货公司;shopping mall 购物广场;shopping arcade/ shopping center商场/购物中心;shop/store 商店;tax free shop/duty free store 免税商店;bazaar 市场;market 市场/集市;food market 菜市场;open market 露天市场;flea market 跳骚市场;supermarket 超市;convenience shop 便利店;outlet 廉价经销店/专营店;grocery 食品杂货(副食品)店;canteen/buffet 小卖部/小卖铺;food shop/food store fruit shop/fruit store vegetable shop/vegetable store grain shop/grain store meat shop/meat store/butcher's shop/butcher's store肉店;aquatic products shop/aquatic products store 水产店;fowl shop/fowl store 家禽店;beancurd shop/beancurd store 豆腐店;wine shop/wine store 酒店;sauce and pickles shop/sauce and pickles store酱园;cigarette shop(stall)/cigarette store(stall)/tobacco shop(stall)/tobacco store(stall) 烟店(摊)roast meat shop/roast store 烤肉店; sauced meat shop/sauced meat store 卤味店;food and drink shop/food and drink store 饮食店;snack bar 吃店;restaurant 饭馆/餐厅;cold drinks shop/cold drinks store 冷饮店;book shop/book store stationery shop/stationery store shoe and hat shop/shoe and hat store 鞋帽店;clothing shop/clothing store 服装店;ready-made clothes shop/ready-made clothes store wool, silk and cotton fabrics shop/wool, silk and cotton fabrics store 呢绒绸布店;drug shop/drug store (美作:


pharmacy) 药店;watch and clock shop/watch and clock store 钟表店;children's goods shop/children's goods store 儿童用品商店;women's goods shop/goods store 妇女用品商店; men's goods shop/goods store 男子用品商店;adult shop/adult store 成人用品商店;cooking utensils shop 炊事用具商店;daily-use sundry goods shop/daily-use sundry goods store 日用杂货店;household utensils shop/household utensils store metal products shop/metal products store furniture shop/furniture 家具店;eyeglasses shop/eyeglasses store 眼镜店;gift shop/gift store 礼品店;fireworks shop/fireworks store 爆竹鞭炮店;electrical appliance shop/electrical appliance store 电器商店;paint shop/paint store 油漆店; chemicals, paint and dyestuff shop/chemicals, paint and dyestuff store 化工油漆染料店;native building materials shop/native building materials store coal shop/coal store 煤店;general repair shop/general repair store 综合修理店;charity shop/charity store commission shop/commission store second-hand goods shop(used goods shop)/second-hand goods store (used goods store) 旧货店;florist/flower shop/flower store 花店;antiques and jewelry shop/antiques and jewelry store 古玩珠宝店;arts and crafts shop工艺美术商店;kiosk 书报亭/摊;antique shop/antique store 古董商店;souvenir shop/souvenir store 纪念品商店;gift shop/gift store 礼品店;toy shop/toy store 玩具店;take away shop/take away store 外卖食品商店;drinks shop/drinks store 酒品专卖店;sports shop/sports store 体育用品商店;bakery shop/bakery store 面包店/糕点店;digital shop/digital store 数码商店;music shop/music store 唱片行;slot machine 自动售货机;ATM 自动取款机;tea house茶馆;barber's shop/barber shop/hair dressing shop 理发店/发廊;beauty salon 美容店;bath house 洗澡堂/浴池;inn 旅馆/旅店/客栈;hotel 饭店/酒店;guest house 宾馆;hostel 招待所;post office 邮局;photographic studio 照相馆(摄影室)cinema/movies 电影院;theatre 剧院;café 咖啡馆;bar/lounge bar 酒吧/休闲式高级酒吧。 telephone booth/telephone box/telephone kiosk 公用电话亭;public telephone 公用电话;commodity exchange 商品交易所;stock exchange 证券交易所;town hall 政厅;law court 法院; church 教堂;cathedral 大教堂;chapel 小礼拜堂;cemetery /公墓;grave/tomb /墓;mausoleum 陵园;nursery 幼稚园/托儿所;kindergarten 儿园/学前班;school 学校;primary school小学;high school/middle school 中学;university 大学;institute/college/school 学院; library 图书馆;theatre 剧院(美:theatermuseum 博物馆;zoo/zoological garden 动物园;hotel饭店/酒店;guest house 宾馆;inn 旅店;tavern 客栈;hostel 招待所;motel 汽车旅馆;recreation centre/ground 娱乐中心/娱乐场;amusement park/fun fair 游乐园/游乐场;stadium 育场;gymnasium 体育馆;station 车站;art museum 美术馆;art gallery 画廊;botanical garden 植物园;monument 纪念碑;lavatory/toilet/wash room/W.C./restroom/latrine公共厕所/洗手间/盥洗室/卫生间;Men's/Women'sGentleman/LadyGent's/Lady's /女洗手间;bank 银行;barracks 兵营;warehouse仓库。

2.Streets 街道:

street街;road 路;block 街段;public thoroughfare 街道;high street/arterial street/main street 大街/主要街道;busy street 繁华街道;avenue 大街/大道;boulevard 林荫大道;crossroad十字路口;walk/ promenade 散步的路;ring road 环行路;lane小巷;alley 胡同/里弄/巷;blind alley/dead end/cul-de-sac 死胡同;fork岔口;short

