雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a language you want to learn (not English)?想要学习的外语(非英语) 思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案 题目中特别强调了不能是英语,估计是怕大家偷懒或者出现大量雷同答案吧。如果在语言本身进行扩展的话不太容易,一是因为大多数人都缺乏相应的知识;二是要用到的单词也偏难一些。因此我们可以从语言相关的角度入手。如果大家想到的是比较生僻的语言,比如各种方言,那么可以说说其使用的情况和背景。如果大家想到的是比较常见的语言,如法语、德语、日语等,则可以说一下其本身所代表的文化。这样子比较容易扩展,内容也会更加丰富。 题目 Describe a language you want to learn (not English) You should say: What it is How you would learn it Where you would learn it And why you want to learn the language 参考答案 下面给小编根据具体的题目要求,给出的原创参考答案: 请小站雅思、新航道等机构不要抄袭本站的文章。 The language I want to learn is Cantonese. It is mainly used in Guangdong Province and Hongkong. Though it shares some vocabulary with Mandarin, the two varieties have huge differences in pronunciation, grammar, and lexicon. Many Chinese in the north including me cannot understand it at all. 我想学习的语言是广东话。它主要在广东和香港使用。虽然它跟普通话共用一些字,但两者在发音、语法和词汇上有很大的差别。许多包括我在内的北方人完全无法理解它。 One of my roommates is from Guangdong. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. Every evening, he calls his mother and talks about what happens in the school in Cantonese. After two years, I unconsciously learned two or three words, but that is all. I still do not know what he says. There are many books and videos that teach people how to speak Cantonese. I may buy some in the future. 我的一个室友来自广东。每天晚上他都给他妈妈打电话,用广东话聊聊学校发生的事情。两年后,我无意识的学会了两三个词,但仅此而已。我还是听不懂他在说什么。有许多教人说广东话的书和视频。我考虑未来买一些。 The best place to learn Cantonese is definitely Guangdong or Hongkong. Most people, especially the elders there, still speak this native language. In fact, I believe to truly master a language, you have to go to its origin and immerse into the local culture. 学习广东话最好的地方肯定是广东或者香港。那里的大多数人,尤其是老年人,仍然使用着这种本土语言。事实上,我认为要真正掌握一门语言,你必须到它的发源地,融入到当地的文化才行。 I want to learn this language because I am quite into Hongkong films. They used to be very popular in the 1990s and leave a deep impression on a generation. But so far, all the Hongkong films I have watched are dubbed with mandarin. They are not bad, but I believe something must have missed during the process. So I want to learn this language so that I can experience the original films. 我想学这门语言,因为我很喜欢香港电影。它们在20世纪90年代曾经非常流行,并给一代人留下了深刻的印象。但是到目前为止,我看过的所有香港电影都是普通话配音的。它们并不坏,但我觉得在这过程中一定丧失了某些东西。所以我想要学习这种语言从而可以感受原汁原味的电影。 Part 3 追加问题 What can people do to learn a second language? IS it popular to learn English in your country? What are the difficulties of learning a new language? What is the best way to learn a new language? 2019年5-8月雅思口语题库part2其他话题卡答案 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/2ab0394285254b35eefdc8d376eeaeaad0f31600.html