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[1] 一个人撰写的著作:作者的姓在前,名在后

Swell, Arthur. Katherine Mansfield---A Critical Essay [C]. New Zealand: Unicorn Press, 1936:77-78.


Leech, Geoffrey. and M. Short. Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction to English Fictional Prose [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2023: 10-12.

[3]三人及以上撰写的著作:只需要写出第一位作家姓名,其余用et al.

Chiu, Aman et al. Dictionary of Contemporary English [M], 2nd ed. Shanghai: The Commercial Press, 1998:86-88.

[4] 选集:主编用ed.表示

Warnar, Alan, ed. Advanced English [M]. Shanghai: Fudan University

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Press, 2023: 102-103.

[5] 译著:翻译用Trans.表示

Flaubert, Gustave. Madae Bovary [M]. Trans. Gerard Hopkins. New York: Dell Publishing Company, Inc., 1959: 36-38.

[6] 多人合著选集中的一篇文章

Halliday, Michael. Linguistic Function and Literary Style: An Inquiry into the Language of William Golding’s The Inheritors [A], S. Chatman, ed. Literary Style: A Symposium [C]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971: 45-47.

[7] 作家论文集中的一篇文章

[序号] 作者.题名.文集编者姓名.会议文集名.出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码.

Woolf, Virginia. A Terribly Sensitive Mind [A]. The Essays of Virginia Woolf [C], Vol. 4. London: The Hogarth Press, 1994:80-82.

[8] 学术刊物中的论文

[序号] 作者. 题名. 刊名, 出版年(期号): 起止页码.

Miller, Hillis J. and Jin Huimin. The Permanent Rhetorical Reading [J]. Foreign Literature Review, 2023 (1): 141-143.

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