me time翻译 "Me time" 翻译为中文可以是“个人时间”或者“独处时间”。下面是一些关于“me time”的用法和中英文对照例句: 1. "I need some me time to relax and recharge." (我需要一些个人时间来放松和充电。) 2. "She enjoys having me time by reading a book or taking a long bath." (她喜欢通过阅读书籍或洗个长时间的澡来享受独处的时间。) 3. "It's important to prioritize me time for self-care and mental well-being." (优先安排个人时间来照顾自己和保持心理健康非常重要。) 4. "Sometimes all you need is a little me time to reflect on your thoughts and emotions." (有时候,你只需要一些个人时间来思考自己的想法和情绪。) 5. "Taking regular me time can help reduce stress and improve overall happiness." (定期安排个人时间可以帮助减轻压力,提高整体幸福感。) 6. "During my me time, I like to meditate and practice mindfulness." (在我的个人时间里,我喜欢冥想和练习正念。) 7. "Having me time allows me to pursue my hobbies and interests without any distractions." (拥有个人时间使我能够追求我的兴趣爱好,没有任何干扰。) 8. "She uses her me time to journal and reflect on her goals and aspirations." (她利用个人时间来写日记,反思自己的目标和愿望。) 9. "Me time is not selfish, it's a necessary part of self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance." (个人时间不是自私的,它是自我照顾和保持健康的工作与生活平衡的必要组成部分。) 10. "Finding ways to incorporate me time into your daily routine can greatly improve your overall well-being." (寻找方法将个人时间融入日常生活可以极大地提高整体幸福感。) 本文来源: