维护生态平衡 每个物种都是生态系统中的重要一员,通过食物链的关系,物种之间起到互相依存、互相牵制的作用。一旦食物链的某一环节出现问题,整个生态系统的平衡就会受到严重影响。比如,由于无节制地猎捕蛇类,致使蛇类资源枯竭,导致森林、草原和农田鼠害在局部地区猖獗。又如,由于大量使用农药和化肥以及猎捕活体用作宠物贸易,致使食虫鸟类数量急剧减少,导致松毛虫、蝗虫等森林和农作物病虫害大面积发生。鼠害和病虫害给农林牧业造成了巨大损失,生态失衡的代价之大是无法估量的。 Maintaining ecological balance Each species is an important part of the ecological system, through the food chain relationship, between species have inter-dependence and contain role. Once a certain part of the food chain appear problem, the entire ecosystem balance can be severely affected. For example, because unstinting hunt snails, the snakes resource exhaustion, cause forest, grassland and farmland in the local area in the rat rampant. Be like again, because the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers and hunting living used as a pet trade, the carnivorous bird dramatically reduce, lead to adult, grasshoppers, forest and large crop pests occur. Pest and diseases and insect pests to forestry and animal husbandry caused great loss, the cost of the ecological unbalance of the big is immeasurable. 二、保证科学研究和教育活动的正常开展 濒危动物是科学研究的试验材料,在动物学、进化学、生态学、遗传学、现代医学、仿生学等学科领域里发挥着重要作用。如我国驯养繁殖的数万只食蟹猴和猕猴,绝大多数都被用作实验动物或用来生产抗病防病的疫苗。科研院所、大专院校、动物园以及博物馆收藏、陈列或展出濒危动物的标本,对科研教学、宣传教育、执法活动等发挥了重要作用 Second, ensure scientific research and education the normal development of activities Endangered animals is scientific research of test materials, in zoology, into the chemical, ecology, genetics, modern medicine, bionics in the field, and other disciplines plays an important role. If our country the domestication and breeding of the tens of thousands of just food and monkey crab macaques, most are used for experimental animals or to produce resistance against diseases of the vaccine. Scientific research institutes, universities and the zoo and museum, display or endangered animals on the specimens, the teaching research, education, law enforcement activities propaganda has played an important role 三、促进经济发展,满足人民生活需要 绝大多数濒危动物都有很高的经济价值或观赏价值。 Three, promote economic development, and meet the people's life need Most endangered animals have a high economic value or ornamental value. 药用价值 Medicinal value (二)食用和衣用价值。 (2) without eating with value. 三)观赏价值 3) ornamental value (四)外交价值。 (4) foreign value. 六)潜在的开发价值 Six) potential development value 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/30c72fed81c758f5f61f671c.html