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身材的英语单词1 figure

身材的英语单词2 stature

身材的英语单词3 Body

身材英语例句: 矮小的人身材短小的人 A person small in stature. 侏儒身材矮的人 A man short in stature. 你的身材真是魔鬼身材。 You have a charming figure. 为了身材,应该节食吗?

Should we diet in order to keep fit? 身材表示产品的一张详细目录桌子的榨出物。

The figure shows extracts of an inventory table of a product. 她参加跳舞后,身材变得纤细苗条了。

Her body slimmed and elongated from dancing. 举重可以加速你身材的改变。

Weight lifting will be a catalyst for change in your body. 女孩子们都想有好身材是可以理解的.

It is understandable that girls all wish to be in great shape. 他与一个身材矮胖的姑娘约会。 He dated a girl with a dumpy figure. 如果你身材不好就要锻炼。

Take exercise if you are out of shape.
