
时间:2022-08-18 05:09:12 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Expand extend spread stretch


Dr. Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of fields.

expand v.扩大;扩展;增加;增长;(使)膨胀;阐述;使变大

expand...into...……扩展/发展成…… expand on 阐述;详谈

He is thinking of expanding his business. 他在正考虑扩大他的生意。

In ten years the city’s population expanded by 12%. 十年之中,该市人口增加了百分之十二。

You mentioned the need for extra funding.Would you please expand on that? 你提到了增加资金的必要性,请你充分叙述一下好吗?

The population of China expanded quickly in the 1960s.

You can expand your knowledge by reading more books. 易混辨析


expand 意为展开,扩大,不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。 extend 意为伸出,延伸,指空间范围的扩大,以及长度,宽度的向外延伸,也可指时间的延长。

spread 意为传播;蔓延;铺开。一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如传播(疾病),散布(信息)等。

stretch 意为伸展(身体等),拉长;连,一般指由曲变直,由短变长的伸展,不是加长。 联想拓展

expansion n. 展开;膨胀;扩展 expansive adj. 广阔的;易膨胀的


The fire soon to the nearby houses.

The tourist season from May till October.

A balloon when it is blown up. The cat out in front of the fire. :spread extends expands stretched
