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【期刊名称】《中国数字医学 【年(),期】2012(7)9

【摘 要】Objectively means of information to improve hospital attendance management quality, and enhance employeernsatisfaction. Methods:By using Client / Middleware / Server architecture, PowerBuilder 10,Visual Studio 2010 programming tools andrnSQL SERVER 2008 database technology, we designed and applied the hospital intelligent attendance management system. Results wernrealize the staff attendance information collection and statistics of the standardization and systematization; and realize the mobile phonernSMS timely informing function of the staff attendance information; and realize the interface between the attendance information andrnstaff bonus software, human resources system. Conclusion:The successful application of hospital intelligent attendance managementrnsystem, insure that the objectivity and justice of hospital attendance management, improve the staff attendance quality, and gain thernpraise of the hospital leaders and staff.%目的:通过信息化手段提高医院考勤管理质量,提高员工满意度.方法:采用Client/Middleware/Server体系结,PowerBuilder10Visual Studio 2010编程工具以及SQL SERVER 2008数据库技术,开发了医院智能考勤管理系统并加以应用.结果:实现了员工考勤信息采集和统计的规范化、系统化;实现了员工考勤信息手机短信及时告之功能;实现了考勤

信息与员工奖金发放软件和人力资源系统的对接.结论:系统的成功实施,保证了医院考勤管理的客观、公正,提高了员工出勤质量,得到了医院领导员工的一致好评. 【总页数】2(P94-95) 【作 者】唐雄


【正文语种】 【相关文献】

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2.基于智能卡的分布式考勤管理系统的研究与实现 [J], 唐业;张申生;戴伟 3.基于web的医院员工考勤管理系统的设计 [J], 杨恒康

4.基于Android智能手机的医院移动护理信息系统开发及应用 [J], 唐雄;张巨发;段昌奉;熊海浪

5.基于移动智能终端的医院管理决策支持系统开发及应用 [J], 唐雄;张巨发;段昌奉;熊海浪

