尝起来的英文单词 你知道尝起来的英文单词是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧。 尝起来 尝起来的英文释义: taste 尝起来的英文例句: 这就是那种尝起来、嗅起来、看起来并皆完美的橄榄油。 This is the kind of olive oil that tastes, smells and looks perfect. 药闻起来令人作呕,尝起来更糟。 The medicine has a nasty smell and a nastier taste. 这些甜饼尝起来好,卖起来也好。 The cookies taste good and sell well. 柠檬味的品尝起来或闻起来有柠檬味的 Tasting or smelling like lemons. 柠檬味的:品尝起来或闻起来有柠檬味的。 Tasting or smelling like lemons. 但如果葡萄酒酸度太大,尝起来就会非常尖酸,闻起来也会有很重的挥发性酸气。 Wine that contains too much acidity will have a nasty biting vinegary and sour taste. 这块蛋糕看起来不好看,不过尝起来挺好的。 This cake doesn't look very nice, but it tastes quite good. 食物闻起来不错,尝起来也不错。 The food smells good, and tastes good, too. 这道菜闻起来像鱼,尝起来像牛肉。 The dish sells like fish, but tastes like beef. 这看起来像巧克力冰淇淋,但尝起来不像。 This looks like chocolate ice cream, but it doesn't taste like it. 你尝起来像爆米花。 You tasted like popcorn. 我喜欢肉。它尝起来好! I like meat.It tastes nice! 这水尝起来会很咸就像海水一样。 The water should taste salty — almost like sea water. 如果你只是不喜欢水尝起来或闻起来的味道,那么,活性碳过滤器就可以满足你的需求,让你再一次喜欢你家的饮用水。 If you simply don’t like the way your water smells or tastes, an activated carbonfilter may be all you need in order to enjoy your drinking water again. 大多数火鸡尝起来根本没有特色,我情愿吃那些填在火鸡内的不错的配菜。 Most turkey does not taste all that special anyway, and I would rather fill up on thegood stuff. 很难说一碗100美元的汤尝起来应该是什么感觉,但是明显不是这个感觉。 It's hard to say what a $100 bowl of soup should taste like, but this isn't it. 它尝起来像过去是鸡蛋的东西,但经过一番可怕的加工制成。 It tastes like something that used to be an egg, but made some really horriblechoices. 约翰:现在尝起来怎么样? John: Now how does it taste? 这杯牛奶尝起来很糟糕。 This glass of milk tastes bad. 是的,爱就像卤猪脚:尝起来有点怪,闻起来也有点怪,但是,从触碰舌尖的那一秒起,便给人留下永生难忘的回忆。 Yes, love is like pickled pig feet: it tastes kind of strange, smells kind of funny, butwhen it tickles your tongue, the memory 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3d354c698d9951e79b89680203d8ce2f00666534.html