英语谈资:鲁菜 1 - Sweet and Sour Carp 糖醋鲤鱼(中餐篇43) 酸甜肥嫩的 糖醋鲤鱼 ============================ 这是鲁菜中的一道代表菜 This is one of the representative dishes of Shandong (Lu) Cuisine. 鱼软嫩美味,外皮酥脆,又甜又酸 It is tender and delicious, with a crispy crust and is sweet and sour. 在中国,鱼代表着富足和丰收 In China, fish represents abundance and good harvest. 过大年时,餐桌上是必有鱼的 On the Chinese New Year, there is always a fish on the table. 鱼头尾翘起,代表鱼跃龙门 The head and tail are raised high, meaning making a big splash. fish jumping over dragon gate. ================================== 口感指数 5颗星;营养指数 4颗星 ================================== 以下是主要词汇: sweet, sour and tender酸甜肥嫩的 representative (形容词)有代表性的 represent (动词) 代表 crust 外壳 abundance 富足,丰富 harvest 丰收 raised high 高高举起 make a big splash 激起千层浪,造成轰动 (英语谈资可以帮你提高英语口语,让你跟老外聊天时有内容) 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/fd0d1e0cac1ffc4ffe4733687e21af45b307fecd.html