Fundamentals of Corporate Finance MINI—CASE Cash Flows and Financial Statements at Sunset Boards, Inc. Sunset Boards is a small company that manufactures and sells surfboards in Malibu. Tad marks, the founder of the company, is in charge of the design and sale of the surfboards, but his background is in surfing, not business,. As a result, the company financial records are not well maintained. The initial investment in Sunset Boards was provided by Tad and his friends and family. Since the initial investment was relatively small, and the company has only made surfboards for its own store, the investor have not required detailed financial statements from Tad. But, thanks to word of mouth among professional surfers, sales have picked up recently, and Tad is considering a major expansion. His plans include opening another surfboard store in Hawaii, as well as supplying his “sticks”(surfer lingo for boards) to other sellers. Tad’s expansion plans require a significant investment, which he plans to finance with a combination of additional funds from outsiders plus some money borrowed from banks. Naturally, the new investors and creditors require more organized and detailed financial statements than Tad has previously prepared. At the urging of his investors, Tad has hired financial analyst Christina Wolfe to evaluate the performance of the company over the past year. After rooting through old bank statements, sales receipts, tax returns, and other records, Christina has assembled the following information: 2004 2005 Cost of goods sold 84310 106450 Cash 12165 18380 Depreciation 23800 26900 Interest expense 5180 5930 Selling and administrative expense 16580 21640 Accounts payable 21500 24350 Fixed assets 105000 134000 Sales 165390 201600 Accounts receivable 8620 11182 Notes payable 9800 10700 Long term debt 53000 61000 Inventory 18140 24894 New equity 0 10000 Sunset Boards currently pays out 30 percent of net income as dividends to Tad and the other original investors, and has a 20 percent tax rate,. You are Christina’s assistant, and she asked you to prepare the following: 1, An income statement for 2004 and 2005. 2, A balance sheet for 2004 and 2005. 3, Operating cash flow for each year. 4 Cash flow from assets for 2005. 5, Cash flow to creditors for 2005. 6, Cash flow to stockholders for 2005. Questions 1, How would you describe Sunset Boards’ cash flow for 2005? Write up a brief discussion. 2, In light your discussion in the previous question, what do you think about Tad’s expansion plans? 案例2,结合你自己现有的条件,如果你现在要拥有梦中的房子或车(任选其一),你要通过怎样的方式才可以实现?(假设你能贷到款)。 要求:1,请通过电话或本人亲临的方式获取需要的信息。 2,请列出前5年的分期摊还表。 3,根据你的数据分析,你是否有必要做一个规划?并请描述你的规划(职业、收入、理财方式及理财目标等) 本文来源: