A study of Male Gender Roles and Neutral Fashion对男性性别角色和中性时尚的研究
Title: A study of Male Gender Roles and Neutral Fashion Gender is a gender based on culture and characterized by symbols. It expresses the social standard of judging a person's gender, which is composed of language, communication, symbol and education. The gender characteristics of the two sexes can be divided into four levels according to their biological and sociological meanings. The first sex characteristic and the second sex characteristic mainly refer to the gender physiological characteristic, which is the foundation of establishing the society gender. The third sexual character refers to the character and psychological characteristics of male and female, and the differentiation of masculinity and femininity. Gender temperament is based on the first and second sexual characteristics of both sexes, emphasizing the social significance of a set of stable, fixed and bisexual behavior machine behavior. The fourth sexual character is also called "desexualization" or "bisexualization", which means that there is no obvious differentiation between male and female temperament, men and women learn from each other, and they have the psychological characteristics of both masculine and feminine temperament. Since gender includes not only physiological differences, but also a wide range of social and cultural elements, gender characteristics are beginning to develop and change. The gender temperament of modern men is formed during the development of capitalism and secularization of western society, and its characteristics tend to be rational and technical. Cultural changes, including the Renaissance and the New Reformation, the development of military warfare and commercial trade in colonial empires, the growth of cities in the heart of commercial capitalism, the strong centralization of the European Civil War, and the western modern educational system which began at the end of the century, have provided the background, growth environment and institutional basis for the emergence and consolidation of masculinity. In modern society, the female characteristics and the male characteristics appear in the form of duality; and under the control of patriarchal system, the feminine temperament of subservience to masculinity is formed. On this basis, a stereotype of social attitudes towards the gender characteristics and even personality characteristics of men and women is formed. It is generally believed that the gender characteristics of men are powerful, aggressive, adventurous, confident, independent, etc. However, the gender characteristics of women are tender, weak, emotional, submissive, etc. The specific fashion form is corresponding to the specific social and cultural form, and the social economic form. When the society develops forward and shows a new form, it must bring forward new demands to fashion, thus making clothes take on a new look. As an integral part of clothing ecological marking function, after getting rid of the leading role of class logo on garment modeling, gender logo has developed into an important means and feature of modern fashion modeling. On the one hand, the form of women's clothing and the gender characteristics they express are formed along with the gender characteristics of men and women in modern society. On the other hand, it is also the expression of gender order and social status of men and women. In the process of historical evolution, modern men's wear has formed a series of fixed style and style features. In general, men's wear has three typical features: utilitarian, stylized and conservative. After analyzing the historical data of fashion clothes, this paper thinks that neutral fashion division can be divided into three stages. This stage of neutral men's wear was represented by the "New Edwardian style". In the 1950s, a generation of young rebels appeared in the British working class. The "Edwardian" costume, which was used to counteract American culture by the mainstream British ideology after World War II, was mixed with the American jazz costume, creating the "New Edward style". This is the initial form of medium-sized men's clothing. In the 1960s, the young people took "anti-authority" as the dominant thought; what is more, anti-authority and anti-traditional values became the spirit of the times. Clothing became a symbol of their expression, social identity and status. At the same time, with the great progress of the feminist movement and the trend of sexual liberation, the social status of men has been greatly shaken and equality between men and women has gradually become accepted. Designers have created a neutral fashion style and popular images such as Beatles, hippies, punk and so on, which make the neutralization trend of men's wear develop and become popular in a certain range. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4b268c3bff4733687e21af45b307e87101f6f8ff.html