《春天里》 歌词 英语翻译 I like this song enormously, and wanted to try my hands on the translation of such an aspiring yet somewhat melancholy song. I worked hard on it. Hope it looks OK. I'd love to see other attempts too. 春天里 In the Springtime 还记得许多年前的春天 Still remember the springs long ago 那时的我还没剪去长发When my hair was still long 没有信用卡没有她 When I had no credit card, no her 没有24小时热水的家 And no hot water around the clock at home 可当初的我是那么快乐 But I was so happy then 虽然只有一把破木吉他 Though with only an old guitar 在街上,在桥下在田野中 in the street, under the bridge and in the farm field 唱着那无人问津的歌谣 Singing those ballads no one cared 如果有一天我老无所依 If I get old and alone some day 请把我留在在那时光里 Please leave me in, in that time 如果有一天我悄然离去 If I leave quietly some day 请把我埋在这春天里 Please bury in the springtime 还记得那些寂寞的春天 Still remember those lonely springs 那时的我还没留起胡须 When I my mustache wasn't grown 没有情人节没有礼物 I had no presnet for Valentine 没有我那可爱的小公主 and no lovely little princess of mine 可我觉得一切没那么糟 But I didn't feel things were bad 虽然我只有对爱的幻想 Although with just the fantasy of love 在清晨在夜晚在风中 In the morning in the evening and in the wind 唱着那无人问津的歌谣 Singing those ballads nobody cared 也许有一天我老无所依 Maybe I'll get old and alone some day 请把我留在在那时光里 Please leave me in, in that time 如果有一天我悄然离去 If I leave quietly some day 请把我埋在在这春天里春天里 Please bury me in the spring, in the springtime 凝视著此刻烂漫的春天 Gazing at the glorious spring 依然像那时温暖的模样 As warm as it used to be 我剪去长发留起了胡须 With my long hair cut and my mustache grown 曾经的苦痛都随风而去 With all the pain gone with the wind 可我感觉却是那么悲伤 I however only have the feeling of melancholy 岁月留给我更深的迷惘 Time has left me with more confusion 在这阳光明媚的春天里 In such a bright sun-shiny spring 我的眼泪忍不住的流淌 My tears can't keep from running 也许有一天我老无所依 Maybe I'll get old and alone some day 请把我留在在那时光里 Please leave me in, in that time 如果有一天我悄然离去 If I leave quietly some day 请把我埋在在这春天里 Please bury me in, in the springtime 如果有一天我老无所依 If I get old and alone some day 请把我留在在这春天里 Please leave me in, in the springtime 如果有一天我悄然离去 If I leave quietly some day 请把我埋在在这春天里春天里 Please bury me in the spring, in the springtime 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4fb080cd657d27284b73f242336c1eb91b37334e.html