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【期刊名称】《情报理论与实践》 【年(),期】2012(035)004

【摘 要】从剖析隐性知识的研究现状出发,指出隐性知识研究遭遇困境的一个原因是在研究路径上局限于知识的表达维度,而忽视理解维度。认为社会交互过程中隐性知识虽然无法明确表达自身,但是却可以通过其他类型的知识予以解释,以达成交互双方对隐性知识的理解。借鉴哈贝马斯提出的主题知识和非主题性知识概念,文提出知识的二维分析框架,探讨通过从理解维度引入新的研究路径,深化对隐性知识的研究,进而促进隐性知识的转化、转移和共享。%Starting with the analysis of the research status of tacit knowledge,this paper points out that the reason why the current tacit knowledge research is in a plight is that it is limited to the expression dimension of knowledge and neglects the understanding dimension.Some people think that although tacit knowledge can not express itself clearly in social intercourse,it can be understood by other types of knowledge to reach the mutual understanding of tacit knowledge.Using the concepts of thematic knowledge and unthematic knowledge proposed by the philosopher Habermas for reference,this paper presents a two-dimensional analysis framework for knowledge,discusses the introduction of a new research path from the understanding dimension,and deepens the research on tacit

knowledge so as to promote the transformation,transfer and sharing of tacit knowledge. 【总页数】4(P25-28) 【作 者】王馨

【作者单位】北京理工大学信息资源管理研究所,北京100081 【正文语种】 【中图分类】B819 【相关文献】

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