
时间:2022-03-21 22:00:32 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


一、听录音,在你听到的单词下划“√” 1applecandle 2breadbanana 3coatcold 4sixtysixteen 5snow_ballsnowman

二、听句子,选出句子中所缺的单词 1Look____thecake(atin)

2Thisis____youJack(fourfor) 3Put____thiscap(onup)

4Seeyou___themorning(onin) 5Turn___thelight(onoff) 三、听录音,选择一个正确的答案


2aThatisallrightbYourewelcomeCThatsgreat 3aYespleasebThatsallrightCIlikeelephants 4aNoIcantbIlikeitCSeeyougreat

5aOhitsnicebYesIwantsoapCSuehereyouare 笔试部分


()1Lets___asnowman a,makeb,makingc,makes ()2Put____yourcoat aforboncin

()3Whatcolor____it? aa,ambiscare

()4Its____orangesun aabancthe

()5Itstime____sleep ainboncto

五、找出正确的回答,把选中的句子符号写在括号里 ()1Whatdayisittoday?aYes,Ido



()3CanIhelpyou?cTheyrepineapples ()4Whatarethese?dSevenpears,please

()5Howmanydoyouwant?eYes,pleaseIwantacap 【篇二】

一、 请小朋友仔细听一听,有哪些数字?把它写下来。 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) 9.( ) 10.( )

二、 我知道你们最爱涂颜色了,认真听,快来涂一涂吧! 三、仔细听,按照顺序排列下列各图。 四、动动脑筋,把听到的单词圈起来。

1. sit stand 2. cat kite 3. Goodbye! Good boy!

4. ball door dog 5. pink purple 6. bag bird birthday .读一读,在正确选项前打√

Is it a bag? ( ) A. Yes , it is. ( ) B. No, it isnIs it a box? ( ) A. Yes, it is. ( ) B.No, it isnt. Is it cat? ( ) A. Yes , it is. ( ) B. No, it isnt. 1. This is a black cat. 2. That is a black cat. 3. That is a white cat. 【篇三】

一、选不同类单词 1.A.manyB.oneC.eight 2.A.lookB.bookC.bag

3.A.threeB.greenC.yellow 4.A.blueB.blackC.ten 5.A.nineB.fiveC.fine 6.A.catB.hatC.dog 7.A.capB.catC.hat 8.A.sixB.girlC.boy 9.A.helloB.hereC.hi 10.A.thisB.thatC.what 二、情景选择


A.Hello.B.Goodmorning.C.Goodbye. 2.见到同学打招呼用:________ A.这是什么?B.那是什么? 8.Abookforyou.

A.给你一本书。B.给你一管钢笔。 二、单选

1._____ImAmy. A.HelloB.yellow 2.Howareyou?______. A.GoodbyeB.Imfine.

3._______?MynamesPanpan. A.Whatsyourname?B.Bye. 4.________!Bye! A.Goodbye!B.Hello! 5.Im____boy. A.anB.a 三、算数

1.nine-eight=() 2.six-four=() 3.ten-seven=() 4.three+two=() 5.one+five=() 6.seven+two=() 四、排序 Howmany?

Whatsyourname? Imfine. Howmanyboys? Itsred. Imapanda. Howareyou?

MynameisDaming. nine three
